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Best *Nix Os For Gamming.

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Aug 13, 2001
Montreal & Toronto
I am greatly thinking of converting my gamming rig over to linux from windows 2k pro and well im not sure witch one to choise from...I'm looking for something that will support my games ( Counter-Strike, Everquest, and pretty much any game that uses INstall shield )

i have tryed Redhat 7.3/8.0 and Slackware 9 also Gentoo but gentoo was not installed since its pretty hard for me ( still a noob ) and well i wanted somethign light with a easy install ( click click install ) anyone have any opinions? feel free to post a OS you think/know is good for gamming i have heard of WINE and WINEX that emulate for games and others but anyhow post what you think is best. thanks

What New_novice said. Really, Mandrake is pretty easy to use, then Red Hat. Very newbie friendly. I use a alteration of the Red Hat Linux (J.A.M.D.) and I love it. I installed the Nvidia drivers the hard way, and i was pretty much ready to game. Intalling the game was the hard part for me. :)
Of all the various *nix OS's, Linux is the best for gaming, simply because Wine and WineX are designed to be run under it. I think Wine works under FreeBSD, but I'm unsure about WineX, I don't think it work correctly. And if it doesn't, its probably pretty low on Transgaming's agenda.

Of the various Linux distros, their gaming capability is pretty much the same. Some of the newer distros (notable Red Hat 9 and Mandrake 9.1) have trouble with Wine because of glibc issues, but other than that, they shouldn't be too much different. Its pretty much a personal choice, as their abilities are more or less identical.
Titan386 said:
Of the various Linux distros, their gaming capability is pretty much the same. ... Its pretty much a personal choice, as their abilities are more or less identical.

Exactly. Linux is Linux despite what name is on the box. You'll find that the best distro for gaming is the one that you properly configure for gaming, which means don't install any service that would be normally running on a server, ie. web, mail, NFS, etc., since those processess will run in the background and can slow down your computer.
oh ic. i run 2 rh 8.0 server work great but i figured since theres a "Server" configuration there might be a distro aimed at gammers and games....im gona try Mandrake and see how it goes....
might come back realy soon...since i hear there allot of problems with wine.. lol anyhow anyone know were i can find a "wine rpm for Mandrake 9.1" ? also the wineX version. thanks

The RPM is not available for download but you can get it via CVS and compile it yourself (wineX that is) compiling is much better anyways.

J :cool:
but I can emerge (in gentoo) winex, winex-cvs, and winex-transgaming... free...?? all I know is that transgaming doesn't provide support if you build winex from source, but I still can emerge it (am compiling right now, actually...)
app-emulation/winex is a snapshot of the free winex cvs, app-emulation/winex-cvs is the free winex cvs, and I'm not sure what the transgaming one is.

I bought Winex a few weeks ago to play bf1942 and it runs surprisingly well. Native ports still run much better than anything in wine though. Given the choice, I'd go native.
ic i just got Mandrak installed and im gona go compile wine pretty soon, also wondering anyone here hear of the deasktop enviroment BLACKBOX ? or might have a link to other enviroments. im on Gnome and im using the default icevm i think its called. just wondering if there were others.
XWRed1 said:
app-emulation/winex is a snapshot of the free winex cvs, app-emulation/winex-cvs is the free winex cvs, and I'm not sure what the transgaming one is.

I bought Winex a few weeks ago to play bf1942 and it runs surprisingly well. Native ports still run much better than anything in wine though. Given the choice, I'd go native.

It looks like the transgaming one is what you use if you subscribe to transgaming. I tried to emerge it to see what it would do and said:
* Please download the appropriate WineX archive (winex3_3.0-1.i386.tgz)
* from: http://www.transgaming.com/ (requires a Transgaming subscription).
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Mi6 said:
ic i just got Mandrak installed and im gona go compile wine pretty soon, also wondering anyone here hear of the deasktop enviroment BLACKBOX ? or might have a link to other enviroments. im on Gnome and im using the default icevm i think its called. just wondering if there were others.

i use blackbox
i find it lighter for my box(only has 128mb ram :( )