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Big HSFs - Are you afraid to move your PC?

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Apr 13, 2001
I seen it mentioned in a few reviews that if you move your PC a lot, like for LAN parties for example, a big heavy copper HSF might not be the best choice.

What is is potential danger? Is it likely the HSF will move because of its weight and possibly damage the core? Are they worried about the clip coming loose under the weight?

While I don't frequent LAN parties, my PC does ride in the car for a couple hours a few times a year. The last thing I need is for a 1.5 pound Millenium Glaciator to come loose and start bouncing around inside my case while I unknowingly cruise down the highway.
My PC is moved at leat twice a week via car. Although I only have a FOP and celerons are more rugged then a amd chip, I still drive slower just to make sure.
In the case of the Swiftech MC-462A, which is one big/heavy HSF, the mounting system will not allow you to damage the core. The clip systems typically encountered in other HSFs do not off this protection. That, having been said, if you treat your case resonable, I don't really think you will hurt your core. Accidents do happen though...

I have read about Swiftech's mount-to-the-mb system. It certainly does offer a secure mount with the disadvantage of having to possibly remove the mb to mount/remove it if your case doesn't have a removable panel behind the mb.

The other problem I have with the Swiftech is the cost. $80 for a HSF is just beyond my understanding. Hopefully others will release new HSFs which utilize the mb holes at a more reasonable cost.
$80 for the best heatsink there is is not all that unreasonable. Once you have used one yourself and see how much performance difference there is against all other heatsinks you might find the cost much more justified. Plus since people will pay $80 for the best, and they are in demand, I don't expect them to drop price for awhile.

you could try to make a system that would augment the lugs of the socket using the four holes in the motherboard.
I came up with such a system, for other reasons though. I wrote the article, but haven't submitted it yet. I will see if Ed can publish it in Joes absence.

Y'know, I was wondering about that when I went to a lan party a few weeks ago. While I'm watercooled, my Maze-2 waterblock weighs a ton and even though it mounts to the MoBo, I wondered if the car ride might shake it around some. Nothing happend but I still wondered. I would be very concerned if I had had my Alpha or some other 'high profile' HSF clipped to the lugs on the socket. I broke one of those lugs and it didnt take very much to do it.