here are some specs.graphic card mx400(detonators)1.3@1,45 celeron.Here is my problem.i am using the beta detonator 40.72(nice by the way -improved the score on 3dmark2001),and when i output the image from the pc to tv(s-video connects to tv-without been plugged the pc screen) the size doesnt fit the viseable area of my tv screen -has quite a noticeable black borders.i also had the same problem when using the detonator 28.32(the 30.82 didnt output an image to tv at all).has anyone solved this problem without the use of programs like tvtool etc(had some problems running this program and cracking it hehe).while the coding is pal b-g the detonator say ntsc and while i make it to pal and press apply the pal turns back to ntsc(anyway i can see that also when for a few sec works in pal mode the same black border appear.