Hello all,
I am thinking about putting together a budget gaming build for my kids. They mostly play fortnite, sims, roblox, etc. They are currently using a Dell latitude which isn't cutting it. I have built several computers before, but not for at least 10 years. I no longer keep up with what is good and what is not. I was a member of this forum in the past and know there is lots of knowledge here. I am also open to the idea of a decent gaming laptop.
I would like to stay around $1000 CAD (I'm in Canada so has to be from a site that ships to Canada too.)
Here is what I have found for a desktop: https://techbuyersguru.com/best-750-budget-gaming-pc-build-january-2019
Would you change anything here? its just over $1000 CAD from amazon.ca
And here is a laptop that seems decent: https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834154939&ignorebbr=1
Thanks in advance!
I am thinking about putting together a budget gaming build for my kids. They mostly play fortnite, sims, roblox, etc. They are currently using a Dell latitude which isn't cutting it. I have built several computers before, but not for at least 10 years. I no longer keep up with what is good and what is not. I was a member of this forum in the past and know there is lots of knowledge here. I am also open to the idea of a decent gaming laptop.
I would like to stay around $1000 CAD (I'm in Canada so has to be from a site that ships to Canada too.)
Here is what I have found for a desktop: https://techbuyersguru.com/best-750-budget-gaming-pc-build-january-2019
Would you change anything here? its just over $1000 CAD from amazon.ca
And here is a laptop that seems decent: https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834154939&ignorebbr=1
Thanks in advance!