TPB (Jun 20, 2001 10:32 a.m.):
AMDGuy (Jun 20, 2001 08:10 a.m.):
I've noticed in my situation this is not the case. With watercooling a Duron 650 @ 800 1.625V my C/W was .15. With the same testing condition and the Duron at 952Mhz 1.85V my C/W went to .20? Should the C/W remain constant??
Hmmm... I would hazard a guess that it has something to do with efficiency of heat transfer at different loads and under different conditions. (I am not a mechanical engineer, I am only guessing.)
Did your measurements take the temperature of the chip less the room temperature?
Actually, I'm not even sure that the Celcius scale is linear... are there any mechanical engineers out there?