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Calling Iwill KK266 owners...

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Dec 20, 2001
Hi, I have an Iwill KK266 (rev.1.2) and an Athlon 850, I'm looking at upgrading my proc. to a 1.4Tbird or an XP. I'm leaning towards the 1.4Tbird cause I've heard that the KK266 sometimes has "issues" with the XP. I'm asking for advice/experience cause I don't want to throw away money on a processor I can't use like an XP, but I'm not afraid to unlock the XP and I'd rather have the lower power consumption and SSE included in the XP. Thanks for the help guys/gals...
76 posts on the wall...76 posts..take one down ...

I too considered upgrading to the XP. Some people have reported doing so with little difficulty. Others have had nothing but problems.
I decided that I would wait for the hammer.
Good luck
There is or was a long thread on this at www.amdmb.com RGone was compiling info on this and it sounds like about a 40% success rate when upgrading to the Xp and using iwills latest BIOS update. I haven't tried an XP on my kk266 rev 1.2 but from what I read of Hoots experience with it I don't think I will.
Thanks guys, that's exactly the kind of information I was looking for! I appreciate your help, I guess I'll get the 1.4 Tbird, since I don't have a ton of money to throw around.
Hoot, thats good to hear. I'll have to order up a kk266+ and an XP 1600 and have a go at it. :D That is a dandy o/c on that chip.
What is the highest volage on the KK266+ without the voltmod?
Got a KK266 (no + here), so I'll get a 1.4 for now and wait till Hammer, USB 2.0, Serial ATA, & QBM before I upgrade again... At least that's the plan for now, unless I break something and can convince my wife to spare some funds (he-he-he-he).:D
Randy said:
Hoot, thats good to hear. I'll have to order up a kk266+ and an XP 1600 and have a go at it. :D That is a dandy o/c on that chip.
What is the highest volage on the KK266+ without the voltmod?

man i dont know what u guys are talkin about i have a athlon xp on my iwill kk266 r 1.2 and everything is great, all i did was upgrade to newestbios and envola:D
Peppy, your lucky, your one of 40 % that have gotten an XP to run on a KK 266 with out problems.:)
Ozzman, thanks for the info.
sweet:) well after i heard what u said about me in 40% i dont know if i want to change my bios
Peppy, if every thing is working fine and it's being identified as an Xp at the correct speed in BIOS then I wouldn't change a thing.
Got my 1.4 Tbird and installed it, the performance is great, but the heat this thing is throwing off is incredible! ...Case temps are the same 28-30C as with my 850, but the CPU temps have jumped from 37-41C with my 850 to 45-50C with the 1.4, I freaked when I saw MBM report 50C after running 3DMark 2001. I'm thinking of adding a blow hole to the case to cool this thing off! I've got a Milennieum Glaciator and some ASII on it, hopefully the temps will go down as the ASII sets and the proc burns in... Again, thanks for the help; I hope the hammer gets here soon so I can upgrade again...
Just a few general comments here; first, the KK series runs a little bit on the high side on voltages, that is if you set your Vcore to 1.85, you will actually be getting 1.87 or so. Next the thread referred to earlier has some extensive discussion on this issue, so here's the direct link to RGone's thread. Finally, while the KK and KK+ series are outstanding overclocker's boards, I would not buy one of them at this point and would recommend moving to the XP333 series which really kick some ***.

Good cooling is the key to successful overclocking, so I can't emphasize this enough. My KK266R with a Thermalright SK6 keeps my cpu temp in the 37-41 degree range at full load with the register 52 hack to help out at idle; my cpu temp is often a degree or two cooler than system temp at idle.
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for voltage, i set mine at 1.80 in the bios, and mbm5 reports 1.88v

at this voltage, my temps are max, 15c over system temp under full load
i just did a volt mod and pushed the board to 2.05 so i could get my 1.13 athlon with the crap stepping to 1.4 im doing 40 load which is fine by me. the iwill is doing great i love this board and u cant beat the support plus that i only paid 75 bucks :D
Went through a PITA with an upgrade to an XP 1800+ with my KK266-R. Lockup city. The damn 'Auto' Vcore setting was overvolting the CPU. set it to 1.65 (which is actually 1.69) and it's working like it's supposed to.
After some further experimentation, I jumpered J10 to increase VIO by 5% (from 3.4 to 3.57v). I'm back to 'Auto' core voltage (1.79) and everything seems to be running quite nicely. I've definitely noticed an increase in speed.
Appreciate the info, but I went ahead and got a 1.4 Athlon to be safe, it's running at 1.5 right now and I'm pretty happy. I'll wait for the hammer and then I'll switch out board and proc again, or I might just start from scratch with a new system... I'll be playing the waiting game for a while, so I'll have time to make up my mind. Thanks for the info though!:cool: