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Can you have no visible icons with seti running?

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Jul 11, 2001
I have a couple of systems at work that are co-worker's machines. My Boss stated that it was OK to run Seti on these boxes. These 2 machines are only used 1-2 days a week, but when the techs come in, they turn it off everytime, and it may be a week before I am able to start them up again. Is there a way to have spy and or driver running without having any icons on the taskbar, or the "notification" area beside the clock?

No I ould not do this on anyone's machine without permission. These guys just have it in their head that if anything is running anywhere on the taskbar the machine will run slow;)

SETIStash has the ability to hide itself in the taskbar. It leaves a blank space where the icon should be, but other than that nothing shows up.
You can also find SETI_Command

SETI command sets the CLI as a Service under NT/2000/XP so
that it will start even if your not logged into the machine!

The only drawback to that is that you don't have a cache unless
you point it towards a SETI Cache server somewhere.
Basher said:
You can run seti spy without the icon, just don't use driver and point the clc to a queue.

Is there an FAQ or any site where I might find instructions on how to do this?
killem1x1 said:

Is there an FAQ or any site where I might find instructions on how to do this?

It is easy for spy, click setup tab/display uncheck run in tray.

Click client tab click config, in client parameter type -proxy 123.456.789.012:5517 or what every the proxy address is.
Run the command line version pointed at a seticache without making it interactive to the desktop. You can then make it start automatically and also set it to /low in the start command. It will run as a low priority process and autostart on every reboot without being in the startup group.

check out microsoft's web site in the technet and look for srvany to get you started.

Dude I am the king of hidding the seti client. Do it every day, and have many ways of hidding seti.

First way: Run screensaver...I know but it works really well, and use a proggie called IconRemover.

Second way: Run a server on the network, and use a program called Run n' Hide and it will run the CLC hidden.

In either cases rename the client to something else. That way when they control alt delete the machine they don't see Seti:

I would tell you mine, but it is ingenious and is not for trade. Hope this helps. If you need help just PM me or IM me. This offer stands for anyone, though I hold no reponsiblity if you don't get permission to run seti on these machines...this is no laughing matter.
Sir-Epix said:
... This offer stands for anyone, though I hold no reponsiblity if you don't get permission to run seti on these machines...this is no laughing matter.

He means it. It is considered theft (of computing resources). Some guy got HAMMERED by running the prime number search program on corporate systems in his office (or call center, I forget which).

Get permission or get used to the reality that benz4140 is out of reach!
