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Can you lend me $5,000,000?

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May 15, 2001
Woking (near London) U.K.
There is a very large black diamond up for sale soon and I thought it would make me a good cold plate. Diamond is 5 times better at conducting heat than silver and as you people on this board are so keen at seeing extreme oc'ing results, I thought you might all want to chip in to help me.

Well it's worth a try ;D
sure ill lend you five mil. all i ask for in return is a vial of yoru blood, a lock of your hair, one of your toenails, and your soul. ;-)
I only have 1,000,000 I know its not much but at least its a start. I will have the check in the mail next day, hope that is soon enough.
Now Every one need to join in and help out on this mission. GOOD LUCK hehehe.
Oh boy did you scare me. It thought this was another Microsoft liscense thread!
lol yeah micro$oft. now that you mention it it does seem like a good title for an m$ thread
Micro$oft winblows 3000:
>new fetures include our space wasteing function: just install this program and it will instantly waste 500Gb of your hd.
>crash initialization key: just press this key and winblows will crash automaticly
>boot time incresed to 3hrs. so when your in a hurry to boot up and cheak your email you'll be up sh*t creek.
>and best of all it is completely incompatible with any software except Micro$ofts unless you download an emulator from us for an additional $1000.00
The new m$ OS will cost you an arm, leg and your soul now. Therefore m$ employees wont be able to get it as they have no souls. hehehehe
man can we bash microsoft anymore.... sad to think of how many people wouldnt be here if they didnt start on an MS OS. is it really about the OS not being the best... or just the socialistic hatred of someone making money? sad... really sad.
hey when are they goint to make arctic diamond then ... when you need some realy realy good thermal paste.