I have a 1Gig athlon unlocked and running at a multiplier of 12 on a abit kt7 board- it has no problems or glitches, but I am running a average temp of 54C when the cpu is used heavily- I have the thermaltake silver orb over it, a 40mm case fan on the rear of the case blowing in almost directly on the cpu cooler, as well as a 40mm fan on the front of the case blowing in, there are also (2) 30mm fans on heatsinks (coolermasters) blowing in the case (there is no intake from them, thay are bolted to the side case door blowing on the video card and basically moving arir around in there)- anyway, how can I cool things down? I am not sure of the best setup for the fans I have in there already. I was thinking of cutting out a hole on the side of the case and putting a 80mm or even a 120mm, but the only place to put it would be on the bottom of the case under the hard drive due to all the cards, wires, etc. Then again, I could remove the two fans I have bolted to the side and place the new fan there, but would a 80/120mm fan blowing straight down on the cpu cooler help or throw the cpu coolers sync off- sorry for the book, thanks in advance for your replies- Jordan
I have a 1Gig athlon unlocked and running at a multiplier of 12 on a abit kt7 board- it has no problems or glitches, but I am running a average temp of 54C when the cpu is used heavily- I have the thermaltake silver orb over it, a 40mm case fan on the rear of the case blowing in almost directly on the cpu cooler, as well as a 40mm fan on the front of the case blowing in, there are also (2) 30mm fans on heatsinks (coolermasters) blowing in the case (there is no intake from them, thay are bolted to the side case door blowing on the video card and basically moving arir around in there)- anyway, how can I cool things down? I am not sure of the best setup for the fans I have in there already. I was thinking of cutting out a hole on the side of the case and putting a 80mm or even a 120mm, but the only place to put it would be on the bottom of the case under the hard drive due to all the cards, wires, etc. Then again, I could remove the two fans I have bolted to the side and place the new fan there, but would a 80/120mm fan blowing straight down on the cpu cooler help or throw the cpu coolers sync off- sorry for the book, thanks in advance for your replies- Jordan