i personally am not too impressed with this game so far.
i am a huge red alert fan, and really hoped this game would be the one to suck up alot of my time, but i just have this feeling of blah about it.
there is just too many changes. the way each faction deploys thier buildings.. should be the same for everyone.
harvesting ore just sucks now. old games you could build a ore fact and build 3 harvesters and get some good cash. now your harvesters will just sit and rotate in to the ore plant. really makes no sense to build harvesters unless it got destroyed.
everything is amphibous now.. almost pointless to have a naval yard or fleet.
hell, engineers can swim, so expect to be engineered rushed by water.
there is still alot of issues that need fixing. the tank busters are worthless when they burrow, as the enemy can see them.
anyways, i was let down with this game, but maybe future patchs will make it better, but i wont drop any more $$ into this series until i see improvments.
they should have gone with more of a generals play style if anything.
oh well, guess i wait for WOW WOTLK