Thanks for the interest. After some basic research, I understand that power dissipation follows the following model:
P = C*(V*V)*F
P is power
V is voltage
F is core frequency
C is a thermal factor
P, V, and F may be obtained from the Intel product specification sheets, allowing C to be calculated for each cpu offering.
Now, in order to predict the power dissipation for overclocked chips, I had to model required core voltages to operate at a target core frequency. The data to do this is readily available in our overclockers database. I have posted these models for the Pentium 4 Northwoods, and also the Celeron 2 Tualatins.
Having V=function(F), and assuming C is independent of V, F, and T, I can produce a power dissipation curve for each cpu offering across a range of frequencies. A simple yet enjoyable excercise.