After having a celeron for many millenias, always agreeing that AMD is crap i recently saw a benchmark comparing all the processors; PIII Tbird Duron Celly. My mouth dropped in awe as I saw the Celly getting slaughtered by the Duron, in price and performance. Heck, the celly 800 is selling for 150 to 200 dollars, and an 850 Duron is selling for a measely 70 dollars for performance that blows the celly out of the water! Soo, i am abandoning my beloved celly, and starting from scratch with a DURON.
Now, this is where you guys come in. I need all your suggestions to what is the best mobo for the Duron.... for overclocking purposes (duh), what is the best type of Duron for overclocking, and what is the best HSF to get for it, that wont blow away my wallet. Please respond with any tips.
Now, this is where you guys come in. I need all your suggestions to what is the best mobo for the Duron.... for overclocking purposes (duh), what is the best type of Duron for overclocking, and what is the best HSF to get for it, that wont blow away my wallet. Please respond with any tips.