Thank you, once again I could not stop myself, and i had to order 200 bucks worth of new gear, and that wont stop there since i just ordered a new CLEAR case and case accessories, i have to order a new motherboard and cpu(switching to intel, cant stand AMD heat issues, especially with summer coming) man now i need new ram, lets see what newegg has
what can i say, computers make me feel better about myself, heres what i got so far...
1 x UV Blue Unassembled Acrylic Case *UV SENSITIVE* (UV_CASE_BLUE) = $109.99
5 x 80mm Case Fan: Vantec UV Fan - Blue (80_VAN_UV_B) = $29.95
Sleeve Fan Tail? No
1 x *FREE* Bag of Anodized Thumbscrews (FREE_TS) = $0.00
Thumbscrews Blue
2 x ATA-133 - 24'' UV Sensitive Silver Braided (24_UV) = $11.98
2 x Anodized Thumbscrew - Blue (Bag of 4) (A001) = $2.98
1 x Power Supply Mod - Neon Blue (UV Sensitive) (PSU_N_BLUE) = $11.24
Blowhole 92mm
1 x 80mm Case Fan: Thermaltake Smart Fan II w/CoolMod (TT_SF2_CM) = $17.99
Sleeve Fan Tail? No
Sub-Total: $184.13
Tax: $0.00
Airborne Ground: US : 18.69 lbs: $15.38
Total: $199.51