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Feb 2, 2001
I got my KT7A-Raid system together last night went through post and then got this CMOS checksum error. Should I have cleared the cmos before installing the board? or do I have a bad battery? I find it odd because it's a new board, new system. Also, I've got a 1.2G T-Bird @266 fsb (AVIA) Installed and it 's showing it set @ 900 mhz (100x9.0) Is this a default setting? because of cmos problem. I know most of these problems are related in some form or another and want to fix them in the correct order. Any help would be appreciated.

P.S. I'm getting three beeps and then it powers down. I have the Hercules 3D Phophet II GTS Pro 64M and I"ve read that this card has major combatIbility issue with KT7A boards. Any suggestion for this besides RMA'in the card
So your saying I don't have to refresh cmos and everything is okay till ya go and set up in the bios. So basically chillout read the manual and it'll rum smooth.
i would clear CMOS... its always a good bet whenever enything is changed..... Then set your processor speed correctly... the beeps... are they like beeeeeeeeeep beep beep ... loooooonnngggggg short short that means no vga signal... might be the card... it its not the card, it might be the fan on header 1... no fan=no boot;power down... make sure its on header 1 and supports Rpm sensing... hope this helps...Oh, after setting cpu speed, follow the book's intsructions
See my post on the kt7a-raid... should help you out immensely
The processor at 9x100 Is correct untill you set it to the 133,And always clear the cmos nefore you start a fresh motherboard.
I'm getting onelong beep and three shorts then system powers down. I have tried case fan and extra fan with Ernimax P.S. still refuses to boot. I have MC462A HSF on the cpu sos I can't use it on Fan1. The board seem to be pretty fussy, sometimes it will let me into the bios to setup, exit, save and then to reboot to go into raid settings and get the same crap all over again. CRAZY! I've switched out cpu's, graphics cards and switched the memory around sometimes it boots but most of the time it won't. I'm about ready to trash the DAMN BOARD!!!! Any other suggestion?
YOU HAVE TO HAVE A FAN ON FAN HEADER 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


awsome heatsink you picked out

but you have to have a 3 wire fan plugged into the fan header 1 !!!!!
I do Have a fan on Fan Header 1 It still will not boot! It's like intemitant sometimes it will and somtimes it won't.
Read my post again.
CPU fan needs to be on FAN1 header. If it's not or the fan is rotating below 2000 rpm board will autoshutdown. Think you can disable with latest 4-1 bios upgrade in power management.

That might be your trouble.
