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cool bits registry hack

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Mar 1, 2001
Fort Wayne, IN.
I have the coolbits reg hack and I'm sure you all know that this modifies your registry so that an overclocking menu is in your display properties if you use the nvidia refrence drivers. I've used this before but i just updated to the latest 12.41 drivers and now of course this doesn't work now. Yesterday I was surfing and found and article on a tech site that explained what you had to do to fix this problem and make it work with the new drivers but i cant find the site. if anyone know how or where this article is please help me out. thanks in advance.... :+)
supergenius74 (Jun 09, 2001 10:35 a.m.):
I have the coolbits reg hack and I'm sure you all know that this modifies your registry so that an overclocking menu is in your display properties if you use the nvidia refrence drivers. I've used this before but i just updated to the latest 12.41 drivers and now of course this doesn't work now. Yesterday I was surfing and found and article on a tech site that explained what you had to do to fix this problem and make it work with the new drivers but i cant find the site. if anyone know how or where this article is please help me out. thanks in advance.... :+)

Just try this Reinstall coolbits , just right click and install the coolbits again and you should be fine , I have always had unreleased drivers and never had this problem
Here is how I got the Coolbits reg to work in this 12.41 driver now:
1. Make sure the Display Properties window is CLOSED.
2. Insert the nVCpl.dll from an older set of detonator drivers ( I used the file from 12.00 driver) into C:WINNT\SYSTEM32 (I am using win2k), and click YES when asked to over write the current file.
3. Use the Cool Bits hack like normal, reboot, click Enable Clock Frequency Adjustments in [H]ardware Options, reboot again.
Voila now I got it back to 205/205 for my GF2 MX
Happy Overclocking.......