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Cooler air works best

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Aug 1, 2001
I learned everything I know about overclocking from this forum and I have to say this site has alot useful information about overclocking. I got a computer about 4 monthes ago and I barly knew what a stick of ram did and my friend had to help me build it, now im overclocking the darn thing. During that 4 monthes my boss was into it also and was trying to help me cool this puppy off and he bought me two pairs of fans one pair are 4.25inches and the other are noisey butt little turbo 3.25 inche fans. So I put the big ones on the left side panel right over the processor sucking air out and it seems to work perfect with my thermal orb heatsink. The little pair are sucking in on top of the case right over the ram, just out of the way of my dvd player. Like I said I just built the computer several weeks before this. But those darn fans didn't do one thing but make it sound like a mucsle car. I was pretty darn pissed because it took so long to install that crap ;-( hehe. Another big problem with the temp is that I live in a 130sqft room, on the 2nd floor, and the worst part is I have a 5ft.x5ft window facing west, basically my rooms a fruity cubical that acts like a green house from 1 o'clock in the afternoon till the suns down. Then my boss had a good idea and gave me this grangier catalog where he bought the fans from and told me maybe you could find a little indoor swamp cooler or something. I found something that everyone should get if you have a business account with the grangier parts store near you. I got a brand new Frigdaire Gallery room air conditioner for 200$ it was on sale from 225$. It has 5950 BtuH and with my room measements all I needed was a 5000BtuH cooling power. It has a remote control and thermestat. But retail this thing costs $425. I once thought about water cooling but now Im as chilled just as much as my cpu is in the summer. Now doesn't water cooling seem like a rip off and not to mention a huge gamble for your system? I also use it as beer cooler when there warm from your car.

Msi k7t turbo temp 24 degrees celcius
duron 800@1027 temp 45 degrees celcius when room temp is at 70F
512mb pc133 ram
visiontek geforce 2 utlra
Multiplyer @x9
vcore @1.86v
sounds like you got a refrigerated room now, heh.
my question is...aren't those things noisy? i paid around that for my watercooling rig, but it runs silent. also dropped my cpu temps from 130 deg. F to under 100, and in the process went from a real loud setup to actually being able to hear the hard drives as the loudest thing now.
na this thing is a part of all new models they made this year its so silent I barly even hear it. when the compresser goes on I hear a little stomp but other than that this thing is louder sounding outside than inside. It also makes the nieghboors wondering what the hell I have in my room. with a big monitor and amp and studio speakers with two 6' subs and a tweater in each make this room feel like your the devil himself.
na this thing is a part of all new models they made this year its so silent I barly even hear it. when the compresser goes on I hear a little stomp but other than that this thing is louder sounding outside than inside. It also makes the nieghboors wondering what the hell I have in my room. with a big monitor and amp and studio speakers with two 6' subs and a tweater in each make this room feel like your the devil himself.
hey anyone who reads this article should read my forum article in the overclocking /amd motherboards section , if you could help me with my overclocking problem
Hey Bobby, I don't mean to sound like a prude but do you think you could edit your post and leave the curse words out?(See forum rules) It would make for a better read and keep you out of hot water with the powers that be. Just friendly words of warning. Thanks,
sounds like you did very well! Congrats. Please edit your post, we don't allow any swearing in the forum and it would save the mods some time. TIA
sorry about that wont happen again I didn't think these forums were that regulated. But seriously doesn't Cooler air work the best or what? I need some serious input, you should make manditory replies of random posts so I dont sit here all day like a fruitball. keep up the good work
Cooler water works much better then cooler air! Read my sig.

Seriously though the system I am typing on at the moment is room temperature water cooled running at 1.5gig (10x150) and my cpu temp is sitting at 28C right now. Under full load I may see 35C as a absolute max temp. Air just isn't able to carry as much heat away as water can. Most people are fine with air. Water is for those of us who want even more out of our systems.
Hey sounds like you are doing well. Have you tried turning your fans around? Have the ones on the side draw in cool air to your CPU, and have the blowhole on the top eject the heat that rises. I bet you can probably trim some degree's off with that.
