I'm running an asus p5w dh deluxe with ocz ati certified dual channel 2 gb pc-6400 mem. My cpu is a conroe 6600 and my psu is an ocz game x stream 700 watt.i'm going to run crossfire x1600 pro's but I only have one in atm. Anything else you'd like to know let me know, I'm still running at 3.0 ghz with 5-5-5-15 timings and passed the memtest86 but I cannot pass the orthos test right now I get an error message not even 2 minutes into it. The only thing I changed with the cooling unit was to run it at 3000 rpms.
Type: Blend - stress CPU and RAM Min: 8 Max: 4096 InPlace: No Mem: 1791 Time: 15
CPU: 3009MHz FSB: 334MHz [334MHz x 9.0 est.]
CPU: 3009MHz FSB: 334MHz [334MHz x 9.0 est.]
11/23/2006 6:32 AM
Launching 2 threads...
Using CPU #0
Beginning a continuous self-test to check your computer.
Press Stop to end this test.
Test 1, 4000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19922945 using 1024K FFT length.
FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.4609375, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
Torture Test ran 0 minutes 23 seconds - 1 errors, 0 warnings.
Execution halted.