The Abit KT7A has 3 fan headers. Could I use two of them to power 2x "YSTech 92mm 3 pin Fan 47CFM" fans?
Could I use the third to power a "Taisol CGK742092"?
No. Three pin fan risers should be limited to 2 Watts. Yes, that's two Watts. One YSTech "27" cfm 60mm(2.16W) might be OK, on one of the fan risers. Just buy the Molex to 3-pin converters.
wild_andy_c (Mar 06, 2001 01:45 p.m.):
....You are better off using 3-5pin adapters and powering from the 5-pin molexes, thus freeing up mainboard power for the mainboard
KT7 headers are rated for .5A each, but I would just use one of them for the HSF to track RPM and use the inferior 4-pin molex connectors for the case fans.
I have found that large fans (92/120mm) blow less forcefully when connected to the fan headers (probably cause they cannot supply enough current). So it might be best to go the adapter route.
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