Ive been buying new components for my computer with the intent on overclocking, and cooling is a major concern. Here is my current setup:
Asus K7M 200MHz FSB mobo
AMD Tbird 1 Gig 200FSB
448 MB Micron PC100 SDRAM
13 Gig Maxor 7200 RPM HD
Sound Blaster 64 Sound Card
Voodoo 3 2000 Vid card (dont laugh)
So far for cooling i have the following:
power supply fan ( i think its 2.5 " blowing down)
2, 5" fans mounted to the side panel (blowing in)
a 4" fan set below PCI slots (blowing out/back)
what i dont have is a processor fan/heatsink, but i havent powered on the computer yet (im away on business untill april 6th) baught tbird and mobo from pricewatch a week ago... I want to go with air cooling rather than water (mainly a $ concern) any URLs or comments would be helpful.
Or if you live live in the GA area and want to help me make sure i dont fry the rig when i power up ....
[email protected]
Asus K7M 200MHz FSB mobo
AMD Tbird 1 Gig 200FSB
448 MB Micron PC100 SDRAM
13 Gig Maxor 7200 RPM HD
Sound Blaster 64 Sound Card
Voodoo 3 2000 Vid card (dont laugh)
So far for cooling i have the following:
power supply fan ( i think its 2.5 " blowing down)
2, 5" fans mounted to the side panel (blowing in)
a 4" fan set below PCI slots (blowing out/back)
what i dont have is a processor fan/heatsink, but i havent powered on the computer yet (im away on business untill april 6th) baught tbird and mobo from pricewatch a week ago... I want to go with air cooling rather than water (mainly a $ concern) any URLs or comments would be helpful.
Or if you live live in the GA area and want to help me make sure i dont fry the rig when i power up ....
[email protected]