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Dammit, why is the temp so high? Do i need thermal paste ?

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May 28, 2001
I just removed my FOP38, which cooled my duron 800@1000 wonderfully, I jsut installed a Chrome orb, and now under full load no overclocking - 800@800, I get this as full temp under 100% load:

Cpu temp:56

When i first booted, I had it at 1000, and it wouldn't get past BIOS screen, I mean, what is going on

I didn't clean the CPU of the Thermal material stcker that was on it, and i am not using thermal grease, Do i have a problem here? Do i need thermal grease instead, and how do i go about removing the stuff off the CPU?

Edit: Removed any offencive materials :d
This has to be a joke right? You took a FOP38 cooler off (one of the better coolers available) and replaced it with a Orb (one of the worst coolers) without bothering to clean the old crusty thermal paste off and reapplying new high quality thermal paste? And now you're wondering why your temps are too high and why it won't overclock as high. Maybe you'd better invest in some Arctic Silver thermal paste, clean up the CPU, and reinstall the FOP. I think you'll see a major difference.
Mate, I installed the ORB as i run a review site, it was sent to me for free, in order to review it, the Fop cooler is too loud anyhow, Anyway, I have ordered some Artic Silver thermal paste, there was no thermal paste on the cpu, just bits of the thermal pad from my FOP, the sticker that comes with it

I would appreciate help with:

How to apply the paste

What to use to clean the Processor, and the HSF


Remember, being a newbie means i don't need some guru shouting at me
Conrad, Welcome to the forums. What Batboy said. Plus,read the guides available from the home page. Their are some great posts in the forums on cooling solutions as well. If it's not to late, you should try to return that ORB, IMHO.Alcohol should loosen the dried goop up enough to clean it with a rough towel. Also I don't know if you mispelled "Go*******T" or not, but you will find that such language isn't appreciated or tolerated in these forums.
Good luck . Let us know how it goes. :)

ADDED: Oops!, our posts crossed. A little sensitive aren't ya. Batboy's response was not rude or shouting. If you are indeed running a review site you really oughta do some serious reading. Go to Arctic Silver's web page for instructions on applying the silver. You will find that we speak candidly but respectfully to one another here, and keep in mind that people of all ages read the posts, so we try to keep it clean and definately no personal attacks.
Slake (Jun 07, 2001 06:59 a.m.):
Conrad, Welcome to the forums. What Batboy said. Plus,read the guides available from the home page. Their are some great posts in the forums on cooling solutions as well. If it's not to late, you shoyld try to return that ORB, IMHO.Alcohol should loosen the dried goop up enough to clean it with a rough towel. Also I don't know if you mispelled "Go*******T" or not, but you will find that such language isn't appreciated or tolerated in these forums.
Good luck . Let us know how it goes. :)

What ya mean, where have i sworn anywhere?
Conrad (Jun 07, 2001 06:36 a.m.):

This was the word they are referring to... not a huge deal, they're just saying that language in this forum must stay pretty clean :)

This should give you an answer to your question about cleaning and applying thermal paste:

Like they said too, there are a bunch of good articles on the main page under "tips and tricks" that explain all kinds of necessities. Good luck and repost if you still have problems, we'd be glad to help :)
I have looked through the thermal grease section, is there anywhere at all that gives a straight forward guide to applying this stuff?

Hvae ordered meself a nice tube of Artic Silver II, will arive next day hopefully, Willb e trying it tommorow, if it works, I will post, Sorry abot saying Goddamit, I thought that was a day to day word to use.

Won't happen again.

To apply thermal paste I put a small dab on a piece of paper. Then use a straight edge, can be a thin piece of plastic, razor blade, etc, and scoop a small amount on the edge of my straight edge material. I then lightly drag this across the core in both directions until it covers with a very thin smooth layer.

Hope this helps.

P.S. I don't have a problem with most profanity, but that one strikes a nerve with me.
[q]P.S. I don't have a problem with most profanity, but that one strikes a nerve with me[/q]

What do you mean mate? I don't understand the comment
What do you mean mate? I don't understand the comment

He's probably religious. That would be my guess, and he takes exception to somebody taking his savior's name and combining it with damnit. Just an observation.
about cleaning some old thermal pads or paste off to make a clean surface again, if regular isopropyl alcohol doesnt do the trick, invest in some acetone, it dissolves the stuff and with a little rubbing cleans it right off
then after using the acetone use the alcohol to clean it perfectly
worked wonders for me, i got my acetone at an autoparts store
BboySkid (Jun 07, 2001 03:27 p.m.):
about cleaning some old thermal pads or paste off to make a clean surface again, if regular isopropyl alcohol doesnt do the trick, invest in some acetone, it dissolves the stuff and with a little rubbing cleans it right off
then after using the acetone use the alcohol to clean it perfectly
worked wonders for me, i got my acetone at an autoparts store

u don't mean to put acetone on the actual chip do you now? I mean how do i clean the chip! Wouldn't that destroy it!

Quick, before i waste a duron!
Just use alcohol and some "elbow grease" to clean that crappy heat tape and gunk off. Also, maybe you ought to consider going back and modifying your previous posts to remove the profanity, especially since people have told you they are offended by it. Not only is that language quite harsh, it's also extremely politically incorrect and is not allowed on this forum. It could result in you getting banned. What annoys me the most is that you insisted in printing it twice.

If you use a lint free cloth put some acetone on it and clean the core of the CPU it will be fine. I used normal acetone nail polish remover to clean tape of my TBird. I then used medical alcahol to clean of the impurities of the acetone. Also clean the heatsink!! WHen applying the ASII (Arctic silver) rub with a plastic glove a small amount onto the heatsink, rub both ways and only leave a very thin almost invisible layer on the heatsink. Then apply the AS to the cpu core. The instructions is well documented on the artic silver website.
Conrad (Jun 07, 2001 06:57 a.m.):
Mate, I installed the ORB as i run a review site, it was sent to me for free, in order to review it, the Fop cooler is too loud anyhow, Anyway, I have ordered some Artic Silver thermal paste, there was no thermal paste on the cpu, just bits of the thermal pad from my FOP, the sticker that comes with it

I would appreciate help with:

How to apply the paste

What to use to clean the Processor, and the HSF


Remember, being a newbie means i don't need some guru shouting at me

I don't want this to sound like a flame but how can you run a review Site and not understand the basics? Myself and many others here are happy to help but this question is been in the back of my mind all day.
Hey again Conrad, if you still have some of the thermal tape stuck on the heatsink, try scraping it off with a razor or anything with a thin stiff edge that you can maintain enough control of so as not to scratch the surface. No acetone won't destroy the chip or the heatsink. Just use it sparingly. I viewed your profile and visited your homepage. I was VERY impressed with your web building skills. That is a great looking site! You must also be a pretty good businessman to be able to convince distributors to send you free samples. Like Colin, I don't mean this as a slam, but if you are holding yourself out as a reviewer of computer hardware; you should have a reasonable degree of expertise in the field.Your' sig "C'mon, make way for us newbies " implies that your ability lags your ' ambition. I consider myself a newbie also and limit my advice to others to what little I know. If you hang out here, you can't help but learn. Browse all the forums, read the beginners guides and "tips & Tricks" study the CPU database. If you use the search feature you will be amazed at the ease with which you can find the solution to most problems that crop up. With your' obvious web building talent and bussiness sense you will definately succeed in some type of IT endeavor. More experience and hardware knowledge will decrease the likelyhood of someone ruining their system due to erroneous advice .