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Dare I push my Duron 700 anymore ?

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New Member
Jan 15, 2001
I run my duron 700@840 at 1.7v but I am a bit worried becouse the cpu temperature is (according to the mb) 62 degress celsious. I have mesured the temperature on my cooling device and it is at 27 degres.

Should I trust my mb´s temperature values ? How high can I push my cpu ? is 70 degres way to high ?

Thanks in advance
jonte (Jan 15, 2001 06:38 p.m.):
I run my duron 700@840 at 1.7v but I am a bit worried becouse the cpu temperature is (according to the mb) 62 degress celsious. I have mesured the temperature on my cooling device and it is at 27 degres.

Should I trust my mb´s temperature values ? How high can I push my cpu ? is 70 degres way to high ?

Thanks in advance

what motherboard do you have ?
hmmm i would try to lower my cpu temp before pushing it further ... the two things that helped me out in the same situation was lapping the heatsink (look at using some higher performance thermal paste) and spend some time looking into case cool solutions .... those two things together ... those three things together brought my cpu temp down 20 degrees C ... just a thought

'do or do not there is no try'
duron 700@950 1.8v
kt7 raid
33 C under load
guess i should clarify that muttering from above .... geeezzzz .. between the lapping and the case cooling .... i saw a 20 degree decrease in my temp ... after throwing some arctic silver into the mix i showed another 3 degree decrease in my temps under load ..... again sorry for the confusion .... must be past my bedtime (or too much time trying to figure out that damn volt mod....... ??? )


Thanks in advance[/quote]

what motherboard do you have ?[/quote]

I have a Soltek mb. When I booted up the computer today (it had been off all night) I noticed that the temperature was after two seconds 47 degress. Can this really be right ? I am starting to think that the mb isnt giving me the correct values. Or how long does it take for the cpu to cool down ? more than 6-8 hours ?

i am using the abit kt7 raid board ....

one thing i would try is to remove all the panels off your case and see if your bios posts a different temp ... if you are happy with the results then add some case fans to your setup .... if not then lap the heat sink and run it with the panels off to see the difference .... if you see no different or only minor difference in your bios i would then look to software monitors to supplement your bios temps (although i don't entirely trust the readings off of software monitors) ...

the other thing you can try is to take note of your bios temp readings after sitting idle .... then get into windows and crush it ... run the most cpu intensive thing you can find .... a cpu burn in program works good for this or a graphic intensive game ... then restart your computer go into your bios and see if it is posting a higher temp ...

'do or do not there is no try'
You sure that the sink is in good contact with the CPU. That would explain the high temps and the quick climb. By the way, what sink u usin.