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Debating if I should do Nvidia Step-up from a 780 Classy HC to a ref 780 ti

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I spent close to 700 for my ftw... So they will simply credit that to me towards it basically? I've never done it before.

I just wanna make sure the Ti reference isn't like some bum version compared to after market models.
in zoink's case he got the new and much cheaper pricing so it makes much less sense for him to do the upgrade to 780ti with step up program because hes really not gaining anything .

to the people who paid the overpriced premium it does make sense though. they got ripped off and if it was me i would be stepping up and then waterblocking the card later down the road.

keep the reference cooler and perhaps if you sell the card down the road your resale will be much higher selling both the card and the waterblock.

its really a no brainer to me since nvidia tanked the value of the 780's with that 250$ price drop.

Yup. That's what I am thinking. I might be able to get some decent resale value compared to the awesome OC'ing classy I have. My classy would sell for less even though they are being sold at the same $700 price tag.

I spent close to 700 for my ftw... So they will simply credit that to me towards it basically? I've never done it before.

I just wanna make sure the Ti reference isn't like some bum version compared to after market models.

I bought mine on release for $800 and a week later it jumped to $830.

For everyone who has an EVGA no matter what model and are within the 90 day window for the program (in order to be eligible of the step-up program, you have to register within 14 days of purchase), you can only step up to a basic reference model. The clear winners for this program are the low/mid/high reference end. They just pay the difference for the newer reference GPU. Those who spend a lot on the non-reference (SC,FTW,Classy) get screwed to say the least.
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in zoink's case he got the new and much cheaper pricing so it makes much less sense for him to do the upgrade to 780ti with step up program because hes really not gaining anything .

No doubt about that. But since I just bought my 780 Classy HCs and haven't even broken the shrink wrap I don't need the step up if I really wanted the 780 Ti. I could just send them back for a full refund since I am within the 30 day return window.

I know to some people the Ti will make all the difference in the world. But it just isn't that important to me to own a card that, at least this week, is the fastest card on the planet. No matter how you slice it, Nvidia's value proposition on new product has not been anything to write home about. They give you performance, to be sure, but they extract a hefty sum for it from their customers. With Nvidia there is no such thing as a free lunch.

to the people who paid the overpriced premium it does make sense though. they got ripped off and if it was me i would be stepping up and then waterblocking the card later down the road.

No argument there either. When I decided to upgrade about three weeks ago I was looking at over $800 for a GTX 780 Classy HC and thought to myself that I must be absolutely out of my mind to be thinking about spending over $2,400 for three GPUs. That is more than double what I paid for my triple SLI GTX 570 set up over two years ago. Hopefully a triple SLI Nvidia setup won't cost me $4,800 in another two years. I think Nvidia is really pushing pricing...but as long as people are willing to fork over the cash they will keep trying to push the price boundaries. When Titan came out I really hoped that gamers would stay the hell away from it. A $1,000 video card is workstation/professional graphics territory, not gamer pricing. I think AMD has at least that part of it right.

its really a no brainer to me since nvidia tanked the value of the 780's with that 250$ price drop.

True dat. Though the price drop was not as great on the higher end cards (ex. the GTX 780 Classy HC dropped only $129).
No doubt about that. But since I just bought my 780 Classy HCs and haven't even broken the shrink wrap I don't need the step up if I really wanted the 780 Ti. I could just send them back for a full refund since I am within the 30 day return window.

I know to some people the Ti will make all the difference in the world. But it just isn't that important to me to own a card that, at least this week, is the fastest card on the planet. No matter how you slice it, Nvidia's value proposition on new product has not been anything to write home about. They give you performance, to be sure, but they extract a hefty sum for it from their customers. With Nvidia there is no such thing as a free lunch.

No argument there either. When I decided to upgrade about three weeks ago I was looking at over $800 for a GTX 780 Classy HC and thought to myself that I must be absolutely out of my mind to be thinking about spending over $2,400 for three GPUs. That is more than double what I paid for my triple SLI GTX 570 set up over two years ago. Hopefully a triple SLI Nvidia setup won't cost me $4,800 in another two years. I think Nvidia is really pushing pricing...but as long as people are willing to fork over the cash they will keep trying to push the price boundaries. When Titan came out I really hoped that gamers would stay the hell away from it. A $1,000 video card is workstation/professional graphics territory, not gamer pricing. I think AMD has at least that part of it right.

True dat. Though the price drop was not as great on the higher end cards (ex. the GTX 780 Classy HC dropped only $129).

Agree 100% Zoinks.

I've been thinking AGAIN. :rofl: I am wondering if you get a brand new sealed GPU from a step-up. I think you do but not sure. If that's the case I do the step-up and pay just for shipping. Sell it on Ebay and hold on to the funds for a higher Vram Kepler which rumor mill is filled about 6GB or 12GB PCBs from EVGA all the way to HOF. Than pay the difference for a 6GB/12GB HC or Classy HC OR wait for Maxwell and I'll keep dancing away with my GTX 480s.

:facepalm: dammit decisions, decisions.......

I am in damage control mode. :bang head
:facepalm: dammit decisions, decisions.......

We all go through it. When the AMD R9 290X was announced I was hoping that AMD would give us a GPU with great performance with decent thermal properties and a good power curve. Even if you are a dedicated Nvidia or AMD fan I think we all benefit from competition in the market place.

But then I watched some Youtube video reviews of the new AMD card, paying particular attention to the noise tests with the reference cooler -- and I knew it would not be long before a parody would hit. Here it is...

All kidding aside, I can't tell you how many times I went back and checked reviews/benchmarks even after I ordered my 780 Classy HCs. There's nothing like someone else's decision-making dilemma to get you second-guessing your own choices :bang head

But to my own credit I haven't caved in yet. Going to a triple SLI 780 Ti water cooled set up would put me over budget by a fair amount. And while my wife doesn't usually scrutinize my computer equipment purchases, she would probably look at me kind of funny if I told her I blew $2,500 on video cards so I could get a few more FPS out of Crysis 3. :chair:
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Zoinks, how many/what monitors are you using? For super high res a single 290X with water beats the Nvidia offerings and costs less.
Jack, step up, sell 780ti after playing with it and then get Maxwell (or get a Lightning 290x when it's out xD)
Zoinks, how many/what monitors are you using? For super high res a single 290X with water beats the Nvidia offerings and costs less.
Jack, step up, sell 780ti after playing with it and then get Maxwell (or get a Lightning 290x when it's out xD)

Three 27" 2560 x 1440 IPS monitors. The money is already spent and there's no going back. I still think AMD has some work left to do with their drivers for Crossfire X/Eyefinity. I think AMD will eventually get there, but it isn't quite ready for prime time yet.

I'm actually pretty comfortable with my choice.
You're right, crossfire still needs fixing, and you need massive horsepower, so your choice of cards is great. How are you dealing with the heat they radiate in your room? External rad? AC?
lol xD

I'm gonna grab an Asus R9 290, probably, or another brand soon...waiting for the credit card balance to get here to pull the trigger, so I get charged in cash next month.
How are you dealing with the heat they radiate in your room? External rad? AC?

It is less than 100w more than my current triple SLI GTX 570 set up puts out. Even under full load ambient temps aren't really a problem, but my room is air conditioned in case it ever becomes a concern.
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Step-up it is! In que @ #246.....lol Wish me luck folks.

Once I get it I am planning on selling it than saving up for a 6GB Vram variant or wait for Maxwell next year.
^Lol, just been approved a couple of hours ago! Was 21 in queue five days ago when I applied.

card should be in within 7 to 10 days...

Edit: good luck;)
^Lol, just been approved a couple of hours ago! Was 21 in queue five days ago when I applied.

card should be in within 7 to 10 days...

Edit: good luck;)

haha congrats!

Are you going to keep it or sell it? If you're keeping it are you going under water with it?

Good call mate!

Hope it all goes well...

Thanks m8! :salute:

I keep it!

Water? I might.

I'd like to build a custom loop again. Being on air for waaaay tooo loooong!