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DiME - how do i enable it?

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Apr 26, 2001
powerstrip relates the transfer mechanism is set to DMA. how do i enable DiME?
have readed powerstrip can perhaps not to do a proper detection of it, can that be happening? if so, how can i be sure if it is in fact working?
VGART was installed using "turbo mode" and my mobo manual recommends it to be installed in standard mode to use with VIA chipsets, can that forces the use of DMA transfer mechanism? i have no problem at all using AGP 4X.

ASUS AGP-V7100 Pure 32MB - GeForce II MX
VIA 694X / Apollo Pro 133A
CUV4X-E asus mobo
Powerstrip 3.0 beta
Detonator3 6.50
VIA 4in1 latest version