I was somewhat looking forward to the iPad until I saw some real downers:
6. Still uses AT&T for 3G
If it was $299 I'd probably buy one just for the novelty, but not at $499 to start.
Just to clarify, the 3G version is unlocked so you can go to TMobile as well (or any GSM provider, including prepaid grocery store wireless... assuming they do data). The AT&T plug is simply an extension of their existing relationship. It's a bit of a slap in the face if you're doing a deal with someone and you advertise their competitor.
I don't think this forum's animosity towards it is really any benchmark of how well it will sell. I think the price tag hurts it but it doesn't have a subsidy like a phone does. I think a huge driving factor will be people who work in media related jobs.
The biggest problem any tablet has is weight. People have been yelling for years that Apple should make a tablet. I've said for years that Apple won't do it until they can make it weigh the same as a sketch pad and give reasonable performance. Usually I'd give a 70% of a laptop figure to those who asked. Compared to a netbook, (OS limitations aside) this is probably about there. The weight definitely is.
I don't see tablets taking off any time soon as practical work machines because there is zero practicality to a tablet. Either it's a bent backwards laptop that you use as a laptop when doing any serious text input (I don't think anyone here or in any office environment would be bold enough to claim they can write faster than type) or you have to plug in a keyboard of some kind (like the iPad or PDAs or other touch only tablets).
Also, who in their right mind is going to walk around with a laptop in their hand? Netbooks aren't too bad but the screen is too small for serious work. Even a netbook weight tablet (or for that matter a flipped around MacBook Air) is about three pounds. That doesn't sound like much but the length of the tablet works as leverage against your hand/arm. Thats seriously annoying. On top of it, if you're using a stylus or finger to enter inputs to it, you're adding more force against your arm. That's an major sore arm in the making.
I really like my iPhone and I'd really enjoy the iPad as a media device (or any tablet like device that does similar things) but a full sized tablet for serious work is a bad idea and probably always will be until we get Avatar style pull away slates that weigh the same as a clipboard.