I built my rig last year and after trying the proc for 1 week had lapped it and my water block. It took a while longer than I had expected and I hurried through the end (mostly on the 1500 and 2000 grit papers) because I wanted to get my system back together and I had months of 16 hour days starting the next week at work. Even through all this I feel I got a pretty good lap and feel I could do better with the grits I have now that I have the time. My real question is would it be worth it to continue the lap to get a even more polished surface (I would never use a polishing agent btw) especially since I have now seen 2500, 3000, 3500, and 4000
grit lapping film?
Anybody with experience who has temps and pics of their lap with high or low grit papers please post (unfortunately I have no temps before my lap).
P.S. if I do lap more based on your experiences I will do so in a couple of weeks and post results/pics but right now im trying to build a 9850/9950 rig + monitor for my uncle at around 600$ so ill be busy doing research, ordering and building.

Anybody with experience who has temps and pics of their lap with high or low grit papers please post (unfortunately I have no temps before my lap).
P.S. if I do lap more based on your experiences I will do so in a couple of weeks and post results/pics but right now im trying to build a 9850/9950 rig + monitor for my uncle at around 600$ so ill be busy doing research, ordering and building.