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SOLVED Drift .8 module with water cooling performance...

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I have an axia 1200(266) @ 1296 (12 x 108 ). Just look at the signature. I have lapped and applied arctic silver on my whole cold stack, which consists of a senfu water block(70 liters per hour actual through put), 172 watt drift .8 TEC, 1/4" thick semi-flat copper, and 3 tubes of artic silver between not only the dye and the cold plate, but also spread around the surface area of the chip(with elec tape over the golden arches since artic silver is slightly conductive AND i did have problems with stability before i put the tape in place). Now here is the question: My power supply that im using is dedicated strictly to the peltier and it claims to only put out ten amps, does anyone have any experience using this module , or, know of a way to measure the amperage draw so i can know if im getting full peltier effect? the reason i have it clocked so low is i fried my other chip which was a 200 fsb, and thought that i could a 266 farther, but as it turns out the 200 fsb was more capable with my epox 8 kta via 133. i got the 200 up to 1450 with np. Any suggestion in proving my cooling capability?
ALSO: Lapping(with basic valve lapping compound for small engines) dropped my over all temp by about 4 degrees Celsius full load.