I have a new Gigabyte boad with an AMDII dual core CPU. The board has a 24 socket power connector and a 8 socket power connector. The manual seems to imply that my OLDER Antec True Power plugs can be used. My older plugs are 20 pins and 4 pins respectively.
Does this sound right? They plug in physically and the manual seems to say that u can use the older connections... BUT I don't want to fry anything. They are hooked up now and they keyed in fine. Before I fire this thing up I just wanted to check with my favorite experts here at OC.
Does this sound right? They plug in physically and the manual seems to say that u can use the older connections... BUT I don't want to fry anything. They are hooked up now and they keyed in fine. Before I fire this thing up I just wanted to check with my favorite experts here at OC.