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Dumb Question about Via Hardware Monitor

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New Member
Apr 9, 2001
What is HYSTERSIS Temps?
Mine has been at 40c since day one. Both CPU & System. Never changes...
I thought at first it would be the highest temp attained, but I guess its not..
My CPU has gone to 47c under a load, but the HYSTERSIS never changes.
Ok, enlighten me!
Not 100% positive but hysteresis is when things tend to get a little out of whack due to higher temps.
Hysterisis is a Greek word meaning the lack (as in not enough) of something..so my guess is that it refers to the lowest allowed temp...for those who prefer to freeze their chips....Japs for example... ^_^
It refers to how low you want to allow your CPU to go. There was a fellow, who posted about how it was not good to run these halt-on-idle programs, because they subjected the CPU to internal mechanical stresses by cycling them over a wide temperature range frequently. His post did not get much attention, probably because most of us OC'ers are in a constant battle with high temps. you rarely, if ever, see a post from someone worried that his cooling solution is running his CPU too cold. ;D
That fellow was more right than wrong. If you're running an underpowered peltier, for example, and at idle your temps drop to minus values, only to jump up to the 40s under load, you are, indeed doing a disservice to your CPU. Ideally, we would use adaptive cooling that held the CPU at a specified temperature all the time, but we don't. You have to pay good money for that kind of process control. We see an occasional HSF with a variable speed fan, but that factor does not sell them nearly as well as how well they do at the peak of the heat load.
So, most monitoring programs allow you to be alerted if you CPU drops below a certain temperature as well as climbing above a certain temperature. Some day, we'll do something with that information.

I read this post and thought to myself "what does it mean?" So I decided to find out. Went to hardware monitor and no readme file? OK no biggy, hit F1 "windows cannot find file@#$%^. would you like to search for it manually" OK cancle that. Go to VIA Technoligies web site. Nothing here but drivers and FAQ's on motherboards, no VIA hardware monitor? Now I am starting to wonder. I get my motherboad manual and the only thing it says about VIA hardware monitor is that you need to click on it and follow the onscreen instructions to install it. Well to make a long story slightly less long I searched websites, other fourums, hardware sites, and everything else I could think of for about 3 hours to no avail.

The litteral meaning of hystersis is if you exert a force and it the tendency of the object to which the force is being applied to return to it's origonal form then the amount that it does not return is the hystersis (don't you love getting info off of university web sites? those guys are always so clear)

guess I'm gonna have to go with hoot on this one cause I can't make out how that definiton applies to cpu temp in a monitor
Staz, Did the same thing yesterday trying to see if I could come up w/ an answer. Used 5 or 6 search engines, Via site and pulled out he old encyclopedia. You are about as close as I got to an answer.
Hoot, we'll give you this one.