- Joined
- Jul 17, 2003
Holdolin came in like a.... a..... What's something explosive, powerful and good? He came in strong. Yeah. That'll work. Took the #1 spot for a bit and was/is earning over 100 million ppd. Forcing our own HayesK to up his game and the team was launched into greater heights. All good things. Turns out that Holdolin was folding for the wrong team (We think he was folding for the correct team.) He is now with Team 33 or as we know them.... the [H]ord; our friends over at [H]ard OPC.
Holdolin had started this thread to create our own version of the EOC stats page. If you have some skills that could aid in getting a stats page up and running, please speak up. We have lots of talent here @ overclockers.com so if this is in your wheelhouse, then house that wheel? I'm thinking that I don't understand the idiom of a wheelhouse so if you understand that please speak up.
World stats:
We are still #10 in the world with no challengers at the time of this writing. We are, however, going after spots currently occupied by PC Games Hardware, PCMR, Hardware.no and NVIDIA Corp. 2.3 weeks, 4.4 months, 1.1 years and 4 years respectively. So in three weeks, I could be writing (and you could be reading) that we are #9 in the world. Wouldn't that be nice? Looking at my production, I need to fix something to help us reach that goal. So we got that going for us. Something to shoot for. Let's get that #9 spot!
HayesK_ALL is #32 in the world
WhitehawkEQ is #39 in the world
torin3 is #79
defonda is #96
Macaholic is #98
Bonus stat:
HayesK_GRC is #836 and moving fast.
Team stats:
We have 54 active folders. Our average ppd is 7.3 million.
Top 26 folders are earning 1 million ppd +
Top 9 folders are earning 10 million ppd +
torin3 is earning 28 million ppd +
Farwalker and dfonda are earning 30 million ppd +
WhitehawkEQ is earning 51 million ppd +
HayesK is earning 124 million ppd +
Individual stats:
Farwalker has just earned 800 million.
jumpncrash has just earned 90 million.
MisterEd has just earned 50 million.
matrixzen has just earned 50 million.
thor17usa has just earned 30 million.
VampireMoonburn just earned his first 10 million! WOOT!
Vamp has just earned his first 10 million! WOOT!
Bonus stat:
SumRndmPenguin just earned 900,000.
So earning the #9 spot in the world, as a team, is our next milestone. Looking at my production, I need to make some repairs. If you have some production that you've been holding in reserve, this might be the point to bring it online. If you have production that you can borrow for a short period of time, this might be the time to do that. If you know someone who might find F@H to be an interest, see if they will join in. Build, Borg, Recruit. Note: Only fold on machine that you own or have *express* permission to use. We are in reach of being #9 so let's get the job done and move on. WOOT WOOT!
Holdolin had started this thread to create our own version of the EOC stats page. If you have some skills that could aid in getting a stats page up and running, please speak up. We have lots of talent here @ overclockers.com so if this is in your wheelhouse, then house that wheel? I'm thinking that I don't understand the idiom of a wheelhouse so if you understand that please speak up.
World stats:
We are still #10 in the world with no challengers at the time of this writing. We are, however, going after spots currently occupied by PC Games Hardware, PCMR, Hardware.no and NVIDIA Corp. 2.3 weeks, 4.4 months, 1.1 years and 4 years respectively. So in three weeks, I could be writing (and you could be reading) that we are #9 in the world. Wouldn't that be nice? Looking at my production, I need to fix something to help us reach that goal. So we got that going for us. Something to shoot for. Let's get that #9 spot!
HayesK_ALL is #32 in the world
WhitehawkEQ is #39 in the world
torin3 is #79
defonda is #96
Macaholic is #98
Bonus stat:
HayesK_GRC is #836 and moving fast.
Team stats:
We have 54 active folders. Our average ppd is 7.3 million.
Top 26 folders are earning 1 million ppd +
Top 9 folders are earning 10 million ppd +
torin3 is earning 28 million ppd +
Farwalker and dfonda are earning 30 million ppd +
WhitehawkEQ is earning 51 million ppd +
HayesK is earning 124 million ppd +
Individual stats:
Farwalker has just earned 800 million.
jumpncrash has just earned 90 million.
MisterEd has just earned 50 million.
matrixzen has just earned 50 million.
thor17usa has just earned 30 million.
VampireMoonburn just earned his first 10 million! WOOT!
Vamp has just earned his first 10 million! WOOT!
Bonus stat:
SumRndmPenguin just earned 900,000.
So earning the #9 spot in the world, as a team, is our next milestone. Looking at my production, I need to make some repairs. If you have some production that you've been holding in reserve, this might be the point to bring it online. If you have production that you can borrow for a short period of time, this might be the time to do that. If you know someone who might find F@H to be an interest, see if they will join in. Build, Borg, Recruit. Note: Only fold on machine that you own or have *express* permission to use. We are in reach of being #9 so let's get the job done and move on. WOOT WOOT!
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