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Enlight 7237

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Jul 3, 2001
Currently I am running a Fong Kai 603 case, but I have been unsatisfied with it's cooling abilities.

I just got a new Millemium Glaciator thinking my Volcano II was the problem, but that only lowered my temps about 2 degrees C. I thought maybe I had done a bad job with the AS2, but after redoing it my results were the same. I don't overclock and my CPU temps are still around 43 degrees C. So I came to the conclusion it must be this damned plastic case.

I think I am going to replace it with an Enlight 7237, which will hopefully lower my ambient and CPU temps. What do you guys think.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have an EN-7237 and I do overclock. I would recommend modding it to use 92mm fans on the front and back instead of the 80mm fans. You can get better through-case airflow with less noise. Other than that, the case is an excellent value. If you can, get one without a PSU and buy a quality PSU separately. If you are positive that you will never overclock, the Antec 300W is an excellent choice, otherwise the Antec 400W is a better choice. Buy wisely once and it will last forever. Remember, you can take the PSU to another case if you decide to change at a later date.

I have an Enlight 7237 and I'm using whatever 80mm case fans that came with it. I also have a Coolermaster HSF. My case temp averages 35 and the CPU temp averages in the mid-to-high 40's. I don't have the tools needed to mod my case to fit the larger fans, should I upgrade to better 80mm fans? I still haven't tested my CPU temp under load and these temps are from the motherboard thermistor. I have a 1Ghz Tbird not overclocked(7.5x133)
I have a 7237 also I just upgraded the front and rear fans to sunnon's with a little higher cfm,and I added 2 more 80mm on the side over the CPU.My case temp is 2*c over ambient. That was a 5*-6* drop in what I had.I,m also running a rheostat on them so I can keep the sound down a little
The Inwin Q500 Full Tower case is not a whole lot more than that Enlight case, and it offers more headroom cooling wise. Remember you Glaciator temps are infalted by as much as 5C using MBM5.
Can anyone tell me how to mod an Enlight 7237 for 92mm fans or point me to a link that shows how to do it?
One more thing...my ambient temp is pitiful. At idle my cpu temp is about 37 and my ambient is sitting at 32 (Celcius) according to the motherboard readings. I have a Coolermaster fan in bottom front blowing in and a ??? fan in the top back blowing out. Also the psu fan is blowing out and the air from that is HOT! The back fan is running at around 2850 rpm's. Somebody give me a suggestion of what I should do to decrease my temps! (I know I could lower my cpu temps by trashing the Coolermaster HSF.)
It is no "pretty" way to do it. Essentially get the 92mm fan, center it over the 80mm knockout, trace the insice of the housing to determine how big a hole you need and mark the mounting screw holes. Then, "maniacal laugh" you take the nibbler to it. Ka-chink, Ka-chink, and open up the airways. A hand drill will suffice for the mounting screw holes. Take any holes in existance that you can. It's tedious, but can be done in an evening. If you can't get all four screw holes, go wtih as many as you can. Lastly, with the hand drill add a few extra holes in the front plastic escutcheon and enlarge the existing ones. Patience will yield a reasonable looking result.

I just got my 7237 today, and I love it. I just wanted to thank everyone for their help in making my decision.