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EVGA x299 Dark and a i9-9820x Processor still good????

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I just bought the board. It was stress tested with a i9-9900x before I purchased it. The i9-9820x is a new boxed processor so if it's bad I can RMA it to Intel. I hope to get the board by Wednesday :)
I have a Fractal S36 AIO pushing my i7-8700k to 5.3GHz. Would expanding this to include 2x more radiators help - http://www.performance-pcs.com/blac...-stealth-u-flow-low-profile-radiator-red.html
I will be re-using my left over MCP-655/D5 pumps from several yrs ago (when I was Big into water - Looks like I'm going back:rofl:) And of course my EVER favorite FAN -> Delta's @ 175/225CFM+ & 53Db on sound :thup:
I just bought the board. It was stress tested with a i9-9900x before I purchased it. The i9-9820x is a new boxed processor so if it's bad I can RMA it to Intel. I hope to get the board by Wednesday :)
I have a Fractal S36 AIO pushing my i7-8700k to 5.3GHz. Would expanding this to include 2x more radiators help - http://www.performance-pcs.com/blac...-stealth-u-flow-low-profile-radiator-red.html
I will be re-using my left over MCP-655/D5 pumps from several yrs ago (when I was Big into water - Looks like I'm going back:rofl:) And of course my EVER favorite FAN -> Delta's @ 175/225CFM+ & 53Db on sound :thup:

Maybe. So you want to add 2 rads and 2 pumps to the Fractal? At that point I would just get a CPU block meant to be used with a custom loop and leave the Fractal cooler be. Of main concern, you'd need to find a coolant that is appropriate to use with mixed metals, since the fractal radiator is aluminum. If you're instead thinking of replacing the fractal rad, I'm still not certain the asetek pump/block is free from aluminum, although I'm sure you could figure that part out. Again though, I wouldn't go to that much trouble and I would just set up a custom loop instead. 2x slim 360 rads is more than enough for any CPU.
I was looking at a custom block for the CPU but had not considered the rad problem. I was looking at being able to flip back a forth between the two systems with some quick disconnects.
- Of main concern, you'd need to find a coolant that is appropriate to use with mixed metals, since the fractal radiator is aluminum. --
^ I was looking a using basic D-Water but this would not work with the fractal's rad. It would be easier to just build my second loop for the x299 and leave the x370 on the AIO. Thank You for pointing that out:thup: I would not have known it until a couple of months later when everything was trashed..

Thank You For Your Help...
I have a lot of various youtube videos playing for something in between full attention and background noise when I'm falling asleep. I seem to remember Jayztwocents saying something about a Fractal cooler with an alphacool rad, but I was half asleep. I was thinking that you had a pretty good idea until I double checked the rad :(
I wouldn't count on anything exceptional using ambient water cooling. No matter if you use x1, x2 or x3 360 radiators, performance won't be much different and the CPU will OC about the same. I guess that single 480 rad with stronger pump and high air pressure fans will be optimal. I haven't seen any special difference moving from custom loop with 1x 360 rad to 2x 360 and next to 1x 360 AIO. The main problem is high CPU wattage what turns into really high temp on a small surface. Simply ambient water can't handle that.
Anyway, if you decide on a new water block then pick something designed for large cores like watercool.de heatkiller series. I guess that most new series should be like that, at least those from well-known brands.

It took out one 7900x and the z390 took out out 9900k. :rofl:

I heard about the 9900K. There were some reports around the web that some others lost their CPUs on Z390 Dark too ... just can't find anything right now beside one guy who said it's starting to be a problem.
I wanted to get one but the price is sick comparing to something like high ASUS series ( for example ASUS MXIG costs $200 less ). Not to mention that in EU store it appeared in last week. I also finally figured out how to make my ASUS work as I wanted so I'm not in need of new Z390 mobo for benching.
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UYeah. 9900k was working and sitting in a mobo. New z390 arrives drop it in.. power blips only. After toying with it and asking evga for advice, drop 8700k into it board says FE. Drop 9900k into 2 other boards... dead. Board dead.
UYeah. 9900k was working and sitting in a mobo. New z390 arrives drop it in.. power blips only. After toying with it and asking evga for advice, drop 8700k into it board says FE. Drop 9900k into 2 other boards... dead. Board dead.

Is this a i9-9900x or the i9-9900k?? (I would think - K - as you referred to a z390 board. Is the processor bad or the board is bad?? which board where you using??

I have the x299 Board and the i9-9820x processor in hand :) I hope to be feeling better tomorrow and install the CPU in the board for it's 1st POST test. I have a SSD with a Benching Win 7 installed and a NVMe x4 with Win 10 installed. I'll start out with the Factal's AIO and then move to a 2x360 rads with a all purpose Intel EKWB water block (x99/x299/zXXX).

Thank You :thup:
Z390 EVGA board killed my 9900K on first boot a month or so ago.

An X299 EVGA board killed my 7900X after having issues with the BIOS several months ago.

Don't let it scare you, I'm sure it was a fluke... but it happened.
I was wondering as several Extreme Benchers at the Bot complained that Benching Software -> Y-Cruncher <- was killing CPUs.

I have it up and running with my AIO... Need help as I believe this is to low a score for this CPU/Memory setting. How to set mesh speed???

For some reason EVGA E-Leeet Software refuses to run in Windows 7 :(


In an effort to get Windows 7 working smoothly, I might bork this install tring to get the USB 3 drivers working :thup:
This is weirdly low memory bandwidth. I had problems with write bandwidth on the 7800X but not so much with the read. On the 7900X I have 90GB/s read+write and 75GB/s copy at ~3600 CL16 without additional tweaking.

There is only one weird thing. Once I switch memory to a different kit (was also during 1st boot), 1st slot can't see the memory. I have to remove memory from all other slots or at least 2nd slot, then reboot, and the mobo will see memory in the 1st slot. Then install all other modules, and it works with all 4. The same happened with three different kits so far, Samsung and Micron IC. Btw. I will test 4x16GB Microns soon.

On this board, USB should work in Win7. You may try different ports as not all are from the same controller. There are also ASMedia SATA ports so you can try to install WinXP.
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This is weirdly low memory bandwidth. I had problems with write bandwidth on the 7800X but not so much with the read. On the 7900X I have 90GB/s read+write and 75GB/s copy at ~3600 CL16 without additional tweaking.

There is only one weird thing. Once I switch memory to a different kit (was also during 1st boot), 1st slot can't see the memory. I have to remove memory from all other slots or at least 2nd slot, then reboot, and the mobo will see memory in the 1st slot. Then install all other modules, and it works with all 4. The same happened with three different kits so far, Samsung and Micron IC. Btw. I will test 4x16GB Microns soon.

On this board, USB should work in Win7. You may try different ports as not all are from the same controller. There are also ASMedia SATA ports so you can try to install WinXP.

^ That is why I was asking for help as this CPU/Board can run the memory faster....This was 30K slower than my Asus RVE/i7-5960x at 3025 and 3370 with the same 4 sticks used in the x299.

cachemem #2.png cachemem#31.png

I will try again... I complained to EVGA that all the files for the x299 (Listed as a Multi-OS) are Win 10 only :( I let the BIOS choose the 1T or 2T, I just set it at 3800 16-16-34. The board will boot into windows even if the memory is unstable :(

I first tried 2 sticks in slot 1 & 3 (closest to CPU) and ran the memory test @ 3600 16-16-16-36 2T and scored 61xxx on the READ Score :( I re-ran it for S&G's with 4 sticks and only scored 63xxx READ. I ran CB15 @ 4.7 and memory at 3600 16-36 2T (2 sticks) and scored a ~ 2525.

I tried to boot from the legacy SATA Controller and got a BSOD. It's listed in the boot menu but I might have to track down the driver for it :)

I also complained on the BOT about my z370/i7-8700k but will mention it here also as I can use both Samsung B & E Sticks in the x299 board :)
- My AsRock z170/i7-6700k does not like to run my Samsung B's [F4-3200C14D-16GTZ 2x8GB sticks and -16GTZKW 2x8GB sticks] any faster than 3866 CL 16-19-19-28 1T. The AsRock z170 will run my E's [F4-3600C17Q-16GVK 4x4GB] at 3866 CL 12-19-19-28 1T. For this board it requires more than 2v to run these at 4000 CL 12-20-20-28 1T. When I updated the BIOS on my ASUS X Code I lost the use of my E's (when installed I get a memory error). They where hitting 4000 at CL 12-20-20-28 1T. When I go under quick memory OC section - The fastest speed listed is 3400.
I should be able to take the Samsung B's (THE GTZ & GTZKW) from the x299 and run them in the z370/i7-8700k at the same Speed & Timings - Correct??? This way I can see if there is a compatibility problems between the two different B sticks. This will also see if they need to be inserted in a specific order - I hope :chair:
Look like I had the same problem with the 7800X. The dual and quad channel was giving me similar results in memory write. Read was scaling correctly. I simply returned the CPU and got money back. No issues like that on the 7900X as I already said. The same problem was on 2 different motherboards with that 7800X.

6700K can have problems at higher memory clock and tighter timings. You may try CR 2T at 4000+. Also, not every motherboard is equal; some run higher at tight timings, some won't pass 3866 at CL12 and CR1. My ASUS needed signal adjustments to run at 4000 CR1.
I would sell that Samsung E kit a long time ago. I have no idea why you back to this kit when you have B-die. Also, you have to set 1.95V+ to make memory run at 4000+ CL12 and CR1.

Don't believe in everything you see on the bot or around the web in general. Most results are with some "buts" like it will run at 4000+ CL12 but at 2V+ ... or it will pass the benchmark but when you limit available memory to 3GB or use 32b OS. There are many things like that which no one mentions.
If someone can make 4000+ CL12 CR1, then it doesn't mean you can make the same, even if you use the same series motherboard. Top overclockers (let's say mostly these sponsored) are binning motherboards the same as they do with CPUs or memory kits.
Overclocking is never guaranteed but understanding how everything works make things easier.

Another thing. When you use B-die IC ... run it like 12-12-12 (or 12-11-12), 13-13-13, 14-14-14, 15-15-15 ... something like 12-16-16 or 12-19-19 hurts my eyes.
I was hoping that the z370/i7-8700k would have a better IMC/Memory OCing capability over my z170/i7-6700k. I was hopeful that the z370 Maximus X Code would help unleash my B's and let them run at a higher speed/tighter timings. The bad part is that it only has options up to 3400 only :(
I had to switch the order of the sticks around. I forgot that on the x99 I had to have the 2x GTZ's in slot 1&3 (closest to CPU) and the 2x GTZKW's in slot 2&4. I was able to run the board at 3000 and then bumped it to 3466.
I tried to go to 3600 at CL 13-13-28 1T but I ended up in a boot loop. I had to remove it from the benching stand as the battery is bad and needs to be replaced. I was able to get some of the USB 3 slots working :thup: The BAD part was I had to stop @ ASUS and DL the x299 win 7 x64 Asmedia drivers from them. I left a shout at EVGA that this is suppose to be a WR Board but XP & 7 are only allowed for 2D Benches at the BOT.

Hope to get to run it tomorrow at 3600 CL 13-13-13-28 1T or CL 14-13-13-28 1T :) Would not 4000 CL 12-20-20-28 1T be faster with my E's than hopefully 16-16 or 17-17 with the B's????

The best would be ASRock Z170M OCF after bios mod and 8700K. 4 memory slot motherboards are not the best for max clock/tight timings (or at least most of them). MX Code is designed for high but stable OC, not competitive benching. Another thing is that I have no idea how it's acting with your hardware and I can't really say if it's something with your setup or simply you are missing something in settings.

On the X299 try to stabilize it at 3600 16-16-16 1N ... then when bandwidth will be fine, try higher clock at CL17-17-17 or 18-18-18 ... when you set 3866-4000 without problems and it will be stable then start to play with timings.
CL12 at 3600+ is not guaranteed because of many factors. Even in OC guide it was mentioned and recommended was 3600 13-13-13. Remember this is X299 so you can't run memory as tight as on Z chipsets. On the other hand, you don't have to and results will be still good.

Run some tests and compare settings. In most cases 3600 at tight timings will be better than higher clock ... unless you can set 4000 CL12/13 but it won't be easy. As I said, I would sell that E-die kit or use it in daily/gaming or whatever 24/7 rig. It's as good as Hynix or Micron kits for benching.

No one said you have to use XP or Win7 for WR. Some benchmarks work only in Win10. Most 3D are allowed on any OS, some just need validation link.
You are an Awesome Sounding Board :) It's mentioned but not really discussed, BLCK timing. With the x99 - BLCK of 125 was needed for 3000 and some other memory speeds. Is this still needed on the x299??? What are you running the VSA & VCCIO at 1.3v, 1.325v ???
I use the E-Die kit in the z170/i7-6700k system (my 24/7 system) and as a spare set for trouble shooting.
I know I'm going to need help on how to best apply LET for Dice Benching. Do you already have your setup??? I was thinking of pinging Funsoul and seeing if he still had his x299 Dark and how he prepped it. I'm also going to need the same thing for my X Code. Any links would be nice :thup:
There are links in cooling section / extreme. Funsoul made one too. The same way on all motherboards, just have to think during the process.

My CPU has below average IMC and I have to set 1.3V SA at 3600 but at 4000 has to be above 1.35V. I guess you can set it lower and maybe run memory higher as I can't really pass 4100 for benchmarks (the same on 5+ motherboards with this CPU).

I was testing my X299 Dark for 3-4 days but results were nothing special. Let's say on water it's the same level as most ASRock, ASUS or Supermicro X299 motherboards (even these cheapest). I already installed X299 Dark in a daily/gaming PC. Wanted to bench it some more but I had problems with that new 7800X and later decided I don't want to buy another one (or not yet). I'm not planning to bench it on cold and if I wish then I can run tests on water. There are 2x360 rads, CPU is delidded and runs without IHS so 5GHz+ is possible for benchmarks.

I don't know if X Code is good for cold. Personally I would use Z170M OCF (I think you have that one) as it's still one of the best boards for benching (as long as there is modded bios).
Anyway, focus on one rig ... when you finish benching then move to another one. Don't make all at once or it will be only waste of time.
There are links in cooling section / extreme. Funsoul made one too. The same way on all motherboards, just have to think during the process.

^ I still laugh about that from last year... I show up at the Bench Party with my "EVGA" 1366/i7-980x (I busted my ASUS R3E the month before and scrambled to find a replacement). Funsoul Politely asks on how I prepped the board for the party. I replied back that I had used HIS guide from here to do it. HE :LOLed: and said that he had stopped doing it that way for 3 years and had found a better way :facepalm:
I was wondering as both boards use large heat sinks that completely covers the VRM section. Remove everything and apply the LET or just stay around the socket??? I eventually plan on running them cold with at-least 1 or 2 GPU's also cold.

My CPU has below average IMC and I have to set 1.3V SA at 3600 but at 4000 has to be above 1.35V. I guess you can set it lower and maybe run memory higher as I can't really pass 4100 for benchmarks (the same on 5+ motherboards with this CPU).

^ I'll have to play with that....I set it at 1.3v for both as this is between 1.25v(Very Good IMC) and 1.35v(Very BAD IMC) at 3600. If I set it at 15-15 or 16-16 (28,30,32,34???) (1T or 2T???) .What should I start the memory Voltage at and how should I move as I go up?? (LIKE start @ 3600 16-16-16-32 1T with 1.5v-1.6v and ADD +.1v for every bump up in Memory {3733=1.7v...3866=1.8v...3933=1.9v..4000=1.9v-2.0v}

I was testing my X299 Dark for 3-4 days but results were nothing special. Let's say on water it's the same level as most ASRock, ASUS or Supermicro X299 motherboards (even these cheapest). I already installed X299 Dark in a daily/gaming PC. Wanted to bench it some more but I had problems with that new 7800X and later decided I don't want to buy another one (or not yet). I'm not planning to bench it on cold and if I wish then I can run tests on water. There are 2x360 rads, CPU is delidded and runs without IHS so 5GHz+ is possible for benchmarks.

^I'm looking at testing the x299 with water first -> The Go To rig on 3D Benches that need the Cores.. I still have my Asus R5E x99/i7-5960x but it hit's the same speed 4.8-4.9 as the x299/i9-9820x and needs Dice to go over 5Ghz. I'm working on making the same setup you have for my z370/i7-8700k & x299/i9-9820x. I will have the CPU on it's own loop w/2x360 rads and the GPU's x1-4 on a separate loop w/2x360 rads. I've hit 5.0Ghz with 4/4 on the AIO but I think I need a little more cooling for the full 10/20 run :)

I don't know if X Code is good for cold. Personally I would use Z170M OCF (I think you have that one) as it's still one of the best boards for benching (as long as there is modded bios).
Anyway, focus on one rig ... when you finish benching then move to another one. Don't make all at once or it will be only waste of time.

^ I have the z170 OCF It's still good but I think -> fails with the 8 and 9 series.... My X Code hopefully will be able to hit 5.5GHz with the custom loop (can hit 5.4 2/2 with AIO). I hope to later run some 2D Benches on it :thup:
It could be me...but I BORKed 1 z170 OCF (It will no longer POST with any processor/reflashed BIOS on both chips) I tossed it to the side as I have a 2nd z170 OCF. I installed the correct modded BIOS in my 2nd OCF to run my i7-8700k and the CPU DIED (Completely DEAD) in 3 days :( I had De-lidded the processor so there is no RMA with it :(
I ordered a new processor and the WIFE got me a board that was "Certified to run the i7-8700k".
I just noticed that the x299 Dark has jumped $100.00 from the time I selected it... ~ 4 weeks.
^ I still laugh about that from last year... I show up at the Bench Party with my "EVGA" 1366/i7-980x (I busted my ASUS R3E the month before and scrambled to find a replacement). Funsoul Politely asks on how I prepped the board for the party. I replied back that I had used HIS guide from here to do it. HE :LOLed: and said that he had stopped doing it that way for 3 years and had found a better way :facepalm:
I was wondering as both boards use large heat sinks that completely covers the VRM section. Remove everything and apply the LET or just stay around the socket??? I eventually plan on running them cold with at-least 1 or 2 GPU's also cold.

It's not a rocket science. You simply cover everything what may cause short ... so everything made of metal like solder spots etc. Cover CPU socket and memory slots with some paper tape or anything like that and just put LET or dragon skin on everything else. Stefan (Funsoul) moved to the dragon skin because it's easier to apply and easier to remove. I actually tried that too and still have it on my MXIG which I was using multiple times on dice.

^ I'll have to play with that....I set it at 1.3v for both as this is between 1.25v(Very Good IMC) and 1.35v(Very BAD IMC) at 3600. If I set it at 15-15 or 16-16 (28,30,32,34???) (1T or 2T???) .What should I start the memory Voltage at and how should I move as I go up?? (LIKE start @ 3600 16-16-16-32 1T with 1.5v-1.6v and ADD +.1v for every bump up in Memory {3733=1.7v...3866=1.8v...3933=1.9v..4000=1.9v-2.0v}

VCCSA is for an IMC, VCCIO is more for a CPU but till some point helps a bit in memory clock. VCCIN depends on a CPU, some chips like it higher, some don't need. On my 7900X 1.5-1.6V is enough for 3200, 1.7-1.8 for 3600-3733, 1.9-2.0V for 4000.
Samsung B doesn't need high voltage up to 4000+. It needs when you tighten the timings much. So 1.35 will let you run memory at 4000 but depends on IC quality, it will be CL17-17-17, 18-18-18, 19-19-19 or 19-21-21. 1.5V should let you set 4000 16-16-16 and it's enough for benching. I would start from stabilizing 3600 at CL14-14-14 1.50-1.55V as it should be possible.

^I'm looking at testing the x299 with water first -> The Go To rig on 3D Benches that need the Cores.. I still have my Asus R5E x99/i7-5960x but it hit's the same speed 4.8-4.9 as the x299/i9-9820x and needs Dice to go over 5Ghz. I'm working on making the same setup you have for my z370/i7-8700k & x299/i9-9820x. I will have the CPU on it's own loop w/2x360 rads and the GPU's x1-4 on a separate loop w/2x360 rads. I've hit 5.0Ghz with 4/4 on the AIO but I think I need a little more cooling for the full 10/20 run :)

^ I have the z170 OCF It's still good but I think -> fails with the 8 and 9 series.... My X Code hopefully will be able to hit 5.5GHz with the custom loop (can hit 5.4 2/2 with AIO). I hope to later run some 2D Benches on it :thup:
It could be me...but I BORKed 1 z170 OCF (It will no longer POST with any processor/reflashed BIOS on both chips) I tossed it to the side as I have a 2nd z170 OCF. I installed the correct modded BIOS in my 2nd OCF to run my i7-8700k and the CPU DIED (Completely DEAD) in 3 days :( I had De-lidded the processor so there is no RMA with it :(
I ordered a new processor and the WIFE got me a board that was "Certified to run the i7-8700k".

I have no idea how the MX Code works on cold. The best would be if you stick to one rig and decide what about the other one some time later. Try to make something on that X299 and focus on improving results. Skip Zxxx for now.
ASRock Z170 OCF is still one of the best motherboards for benching. I have no idea how it works with modded BIOS (except of what I see on the bot). I haven't heard about problems with CPUs so hard to say if it's mobo or BIOS fault.

I just noticed that the x299 Dark has jumped $100.00 from the time I selected it... ~ 4 weeks.

There was a promo for 2 weeks or something. Price was USD350 or EUR320. This is why I got my mobo. After a week, price already back to USD500/EUR520. In EU prices are higher and we have additional tax ... in PL it's +23% :(
Thank You :) for giving me a starting point on where to start with the memory...

I did not know there was a promo or discount going on at the time. I saw that the Dark and the 9820x where $100+ less than usual :)