I bought 3 appledbreds, 2 1.4s and 1 1.6 from the same vendor. The 1.4s are brown and not shiny, the 1.6 is. Anyways when I look at my 1.4s I can clearly see there is another label beneath the one that is there, the processors in question are DHD1400DLV1C Z362997251709 MIXHB 0344TPMW and the other has a serial of Z362997251814. On both I can see there is another label below. The bridges were not tampered with under microscope examination. The dies have that "matix" code (is that what they call is?), the labels don't, I don't know if they should. Should I try lifting the labels? Or call AMD (no warrenty) about it (I noticed this only after I did the L5 MP mod and Cache mod) I haven't booted these processors yet.