- Joined
- Sep 22, 2004
Team 32 presents
the OCF "Fall Brawl" Folding Contest
the OCF "Fall Brawl" Folding Contest
Sign-up Thread
Please post in this thread with your Folding ID in the post. That is all that is required to participate. Please be sure that your Folding ID is spelled correctly and with the correct case.
e.x. My Folding ID is not HARLAM357. My Folding ID is harlam357.
Please do not make this a discussion thread. You can discuss the contest in the original thread LINK'D HERE.
A list will be posted here with the each participant's forum name & Folding ID. I will date the list updates so please be patient and check the date & time of your post against the date & time of the last list update. If your name does not appear on the next update please PM me.
Let's get it rollin'...

List Update: 10-12-08 11:42pm PDT (Sign-ups are now closed)
- Jolly-Swagman - JollySwagman
- pauld5999 - pauld5999
- McTimson - McTimson
- blakehenry00 - Blake_Henry
- Mark620 - Mark620
- torin3 - Torin3
- Shelnutt2 - shelnutt2
- ihrsetrdr - hrsetrdr
- Surfpunk - surfpunk
- dark bishop - Dark_Bishop
- grunjee - grunjee
- jonspd - jonspd
- thideras - thideras
- NoWhereM - NoWhereM
- Shadowman2oo7 - Shadowman2oo7_Team_32
- SniperXX - XPC_SniperXX
- benbaked - benbaked
- Psykoikonov - Psykoikonov
- eddyg519 - eddyg519
- WonderingSoul - WonderingSoul
- MoltenVball - MoltenVball
- ChasR - ChasR
- Jason Kitchens - mattmorgan74
- visionco - visionco
- Lofty - dXII][Lofty
- drshivas - cshive5
- OSUmaxx - OSUmaxx
- Sam__ - Sam__
- Surferseth - surferseth
- LandShark - Gary_aka_LandShark
- AMD_OCER - Cluster007
- Leviathan41 - Leviathan41
- Hack30 - Hack30
- orion456 - orion456
- Junebug - gulp35
- CyboRob - CyboRob
- hank123 - hank123
- piebaker - Piebaker
- Lord_Anubis - Lord_Anubis
- sup3rcarrx8 - sup3rcarrx8
- gsrcrxsi - gsrcrxsi
- WarriorII - WarriorIII
- StaTek - StaTek32
- Roisen - Roisen
- sno.lcn - sno.lcn
- Shiggity - ShiggityOCF
- doz - Doz
- JimmyJimmington - JimmyJimmington
- deadlysyn - 8thDeadlySyn
- MARCI - BenMoore
- traldan - traldan
- staticpage - staticpage
- jstutman - jstutman
- JackNSally - JackNSally
- tgxiii - tgxiii
- funnyperson1 - Bruce&funnyperson1alliance
- benj1290 - Benj1290
- jerseytomato - jerseytomato
- FatCamel - FatCamel
- Hardass - hardass
- blazed - blzd
- Mustanley - Mustanley
- werty316 - werty316
- belorsch - belorsch
- supradude - Dude2
- Smy - SmyTTor
- gangaskan - Gangaskan
- Zerix01 - Mindmatter
- simcom - simcom_se
- Fallen Ninja - Fallen Ninja (???)
- AMDfreak - cjswope
- OsirisO - OsirisO
- Douken - Douken
- BLTizzle - BLTizzle
- SGeng - Steve
- giantbean - bean7
- Lamby853 - Lamby853
- Yakbak - Yakbak
- P4EE - P4EE
- HayesK - HayesK
- Wicked_Pixie - Wicked_Pixie
- cuda340 - Bayna
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