Dont make too much work...
Dont make too much work for yourself garfield. Just grab a speaker box port (3" for 80mm fans) and cut it to length. Put some foam tape at the end so there is a soft edge butting up against the hsf. You dont need a fan at the other end pulling in. I did this for my setup and it dropped the temp 15 degrees! I dont know of any other method that costs $8 that brought such great results. Here's why:
One 40cfm pulling in and a 40cfm on hsf pulling in still results in only 40cfm going to the heatsink. You are limited to the airflow produced by the last fan in the chain (your only as good as your weakest link theory). Plus if you are ducting out the side of the case you only have 3 inches for the air to travel. From the outside of the case to the hsf grill the air does not change temp. in that measely 3 inches regardless of what any heat freaks tell you. Putting a fan at the end to draw in, at best, only makes more noise. It will not "speed up" the air flow to anything worth the money you paid for the fan anyway. If you had 80cfm fan on the outside end and a 40 cfm fan on the hsf you still cannot force 80cfm through a fan that can only draw out 40cfm, its just not possible. If you do that you might as well take the fan off the heatsink and only use the outside one, at least you'll have less noise and higher output.