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Final count down till the last Socket370 processors arrive!

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Jul 14, 2001
Edmonton, Alberta
In April, Intel will launch its last batch of faster Socket 370 processors based on the FCPGA2 standard. The following will be the last processors getting ready to ship next month!

Pentium3 1466MHz 256KB L2
Pentium3 1533MHz 256KB L2
Pentium3 1533MHz 512KB L2

Celeron 1400MHz
Celeron 1500MHz


This is it folks, the end of Socket 370! If you got an older processor, 950MHz or older, one of these CPUs could make a cheap upgrade for you!

To give you an idea of how fast a 1.53GHz Pentium3-512 is, we'de need a 2.2GHz Pentium4 to tie up the performance comparison.

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You dont like my stars!? *** *** .

hehe, J/K, fixed.

Just think, in 20 months from now, I could rewrite this thread about the P4 core. This thread does deserve some Intel respect thou;)

I mean, this is pretty big stuff with Celery going P4 style now!
my deep respect and condolences to the P6 architecture. Started at 150MHz and is going up all the way to 1533. I will always remember you. sniff. :cool:
martinus said:
my deep respect and condolences to the P6 architecture. Started at 150MHz and is going up all the way to 1533. I will always remember you. sniff. :cool:
What are you talking about? it started at 150mhz and it will go all the way up to the oc'ing limit of the 1.53ghz cpu :cool: :p

I wanna see people o/c one of those 1.53GHz processors. I wanna see a 2GHz Pentium3! That would be one ''fast'' cpu man.

martinus said:
my deep respect and condolences to the P6 architecture. Started at 150MHz and is going up all the way to 1533. I will always remember you. sniff. :cool:

pours out a little liquor...wait im 16...dope!:beer:
Not really on topic here but I believe the life of this technology began when Intel made revised P1s which were dibbed Pentium processor with MMX technology.

MMX was what started the whole bang!

OHMAN, those were the days, pass me a beer FunyPersn1.

BTW, overclocking my 166MMX to 333MHz was a GODLY!! overclock done on the ASUS P5A!

AXIA:beer: :beer:

OHMAN, I need another...

Ther wee goo

AXIA said:
Not really on topic here but I believe the life of this technology began when Intel made revised P1s which were dibbed Pentium processor with MMX technology.

MMX was what started the whole bang!

OHMAN, those were the days, pass me a beer FunyPersn1.

BTW, overclocking my 166MMX to 333MHz was a GODLY!! overclock done on the ASUS P5A!

AXIA:beer: :beer:

OHMAN, I need another...

Ther wee goo


lol...maybe if i move to amsterdam ;) ...but no MMX was still P5 core....the first P6 was the 150mhz Pentium Pro
The pentium pro is the 150MHz processor that he is talking about above! It was the first P6 chip! I still have a PPRO 200MHz chip that has done 233MHz. It runs win2k like a dream actually. This chip was like 8 to 10 times faster at rendering a 3d molecule than a pentium 100MHz as I tried the same molecule on both machines simutaneously next to each other.

The cores are pretty much the same except the PII and PIII had minor enhancements like MMX,SSE,on die cache and probably wider pipeline.

Funny to think a chip design that originally did 150MHz is now doing 1816MHz in my machine as we speak! Intel really found a gold mine with this ppro core didn't they! I think this chip on soi and .09u would really be a sweet chip. I hate to see the ppro go like this. O well maybe I will get one of them 1.5GHz cel-t's and run it to 2.2GHz:D
AXIA said:
If you got an older processor, 950MHz or older, one of these CPUs could make a cheap upgrade for you!


Cheap upgrade??? These new P3's and cellys are realy expensive ( well the P3's are anyway ). I suppose that it is relatively cheaper than buying a new cpu and motherboard and/maybe ram......

1.0a ~$62

These are very cheap and very OC'able!

See sig!
yep, I was talking about the PPro. I still have a working board with PPro 200 and 128MB EDO RAM. Works very well for office/internet...

Another improvement in the P2 was the segment descriptor cache that took away the performance hit when running 16bit applications.

True, you may push the upper limit a bit, and ol'man's 1816 MHz is pretty impressive already. But remember, the Coppermine had a glass ceiling around 1100/1200, and Tualatin is essentially a die shrink. So don't expect too much... ;)
In April, Intel will launch its last batch of faster Socket 370 processors based on the FCPGA2 standard. The following will be the last processors getting ready to ship next month!

Just curious. Where did you find this information about the new Socket370 processors? Every roadmap that I have seen shows the 1.4GHz Celeron to be the last Socket370 Celeron. And, the desktop 256k L2 Pentium III to be already topped out at 1.2GHz. Thanks for any info.
News Groups,

1.4GHz P3 has been out for a month already and the 1.4Celeron will be soon. The 1.5 celeron SHOULD come out in mass before P4 celerons come out.

1.4GHz P3 has been out for a month already and the 1.4Celeron will be soon. The 1.5 celeron SHOULD come out in mass before P4 celerons come out.

Thanks, I still can not seem to find any more info about this. The reason that I am concerned is that I currently have an Intel D815 uATX motherboard that supports Celeron and 256k L2 non-server Pentium III chips. I plan to install the fastest 256k L2 Pentium III chip which is currently at 1.2GHz. If you are sure that 1.533GHz 256k L2 Pentium III's will be released next month, then I will wait. I just thought that the 256k L2 non-server Pentium III line was maxed out back in December or so. Any more information would be appreciated. Thanks again.
There will also be a 1466MHz P3 256K

Why not go for 512K, most motherboards will do it even thou they dont officially support it! My friends OLD BX board is running a 1.26GHz Pentium3 with 512KB Cache and hasnt had a problem yet!, and he's using a BX from ASUS.

heh, intel is makin a big mistake making Willamettes celerons. IMO, this will be the death of intel's last great cpu, as some recent bmark wars have shown me. For 80bucks, u cant beat an o/c'ed p/// (celly?!?)
are the 512k cache chips p3's called cellies(tualitin) or actually called pentium 3's. I was under the impression that cellys and p/// are the same chip, one w/256k L2 cache, and the other with 512k.....
the cellies have 256cache and 100mhz fsb

PIII have 256 cache and 133mhzfsb

PIII-S have 512cache and 133mhz fsb