why not try flashing from the Hard drive?
create a folder named
download you new bios files to THAT folder.
uncompressthem if they're zipped and make sure you've got the correct files for
YOUR motherboard.
Also make certain you have the flash utility as well.
SO if
I were flashing my board(k7s5a w/lan) this is what I would ahve in that newly created Bios folder...
ovk7s5al.rom<--this is the 010911 bios released 9-13-01(*you may substitute the bios you prefer
Ok now reboot your system
F8 while booting then select to boot to command prompt
Ok now that your at the command prompt type
C:\CD\bios -press enter
C:\Bios\ <--is now ready for typing the bios file names
C:\Bios\aminf329.rom ovk7s5al.rom -press enter
Of kors if your not able to boot up to flash this way due to the floppy problem ....Good Luck