Right, I changed the fluid today.Drained it a few times and ran hot water through the loop for a while.
Didn't bother using that sysclean stuff I got as wasn't happy about running an acid through it so kept flushing with very hot water.
There wasn't any real gunk at all that came out of it, especially considering the fluid had been in for 3 years.
Man is that Feser 1 messy stuff though..
I checked the inside of the reservoir and it looked fine. The aluminum looked like new.
I thought I saw some rusty coloured fluid in the bottom of the res while i was flushing it but it never came out of the pipe so I think it might have been the lighting in the room and the red fluid as I looked through the filler cap.
Filled with distilled water, biocide, anti-corrosive and a silver coil.
Also shortened the tubes by a couple of feet
Temps have dropped by about 10 degrees C, and the flow now is back to max.
I have ordered the EK highflow nickel plexi and have decided to build a new loop, as the Aluminum Rads are worrying me and the thought of them degrading due to copper in the loop has me concerned. Also copper would be better cooling.
The loop needs to be external as I have the pc in a tight space that doesn't get much airflow.
I was thinking of something like this as a starting point..
I want it to be as silent as possible so maybe 180 or 200mm fans?
Could anyone here help me spec out a loop as I have never built one from scratch before?
My budget is around 400 euros and as I said I want to keep it all external if possible.
I also would like to use either of these 2 site as I am in Ireland so shipping from England isn't too bad..
I need it to cool a
[email protected], NB and EVGA GTX280 HC16. I also want it to have enough cooling power to cool a EVGA GTX580 Classified Hydrocopper 3072mb as I was thinking about adding one to my setup in a few months, or the equivalent 6 or 7 series if they are out by then, and keep my gtx280 as a PhysX card.
Do you guys reckon that 400 Euros should get me setup?
I'm hoping for something like this..
If anyone is willing to help me out I'd be very grateful.