Well were making progress here, ME huh.
I don't know a whole lot about ME, so if I make a statement that is wrong please bare with me. (No pun intended)
Are you having lockups with any other programs? If so.
Have you checked for irq conflicts? Win 98 & XP have control panels, I am going to assume ME does also. Go into your control panel and open up the system icon.
This is where "for the moment" your on your own. You need to find where your irq's are. They should be under a "resources" tab or something to that affect.
Once you find the irq's: Look for your video card and note which irq is assigned to it. Then look through the other devices and look for one that has the same irq as your video card. What you are looking for is a sound card or a hard drive that is sharing your video cards irq.
Sharing irq's with "PCI Steering" or "USB Universal Host
Controller" shouldn't cause any problems.
Get back with the forum if you have a confilct.
If you only lock up in the game:
Go into your games options and try adjusting your video resoloution. Take it down to "800x600" or "640x480" and turn down what ever special affects are available.
You might also try downsizing whatever options you have for your sound. Play the game, take note of how long it lets you play if it locks up on you again. If it seemed like you got some extra play time in then you may be on to something, turn down some more options in your game, and see what happens.
If the game plays fine you can "slowly tweak things back up"
If none of this helps, come on back and we'll try again.