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Geforce ripoff

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Jun 6, 2001
Cleveland Ohio
I ordered a power color geforce2 pro from House of Computers and what I think they sent me was a geforce2 gts pro. Now I know that the gts card is clocked at 333/200 and the pro is 400/200, but the card I got is clocked at 365/200. So I called and the customer rep and he had no idea about clock speeds but told me that the gefore2 gts pro and the geforce2 pro are the one and the same. Now did I get an underclocked (defective card) or did I get ripped off. Also the card has no heatsinks on the memory, I think the geforce2 pro is suppost to. And it will only overclock to 410 MHz with the core at 200 MHz. Anyone with any idea what is going on?
the guy was right, the pro and gts pro are 2 diff names for the same thing. the gts, as you said, runs at a stock 200/333 core/mem. the pro, however, never really had that definite of a speed from what i've read. i've seen that the general numer is 200/400, but i think the actual speed is up to the manuracturer. since all the pro really is is a gts w/ faster ram and clocked about 66 mhz more, i don't think the speed you got means much. that's prob just the way evga chose to ship their cards. my view: if you can get it to 410, be happy, it's 10 mhz above the speed you wanted in the first place. evga cards aren't known to be the ocer's fave as far as i know so i don't think there's much room for complaining with that and the price taken into consideration.
That's a fine card, you didn't get ripped off. The prior post said it all, do some benchmarks with 3dmark 2000/2001 and compare to others with a similar setup.
Actually the Pro and the GTS Pro are NOT the same card. GTS Pro is a neat marketing tactic that some card makers use to make it seem like you are getting something better than you are. The memory speed speaks for itself...

GTS Pro cards are generally clocked a little higher than standard GTSs but lower than Pros. Basically if it has the letters GTS in it, it is not a Pro card. Buyer beware!