My card is constantly giving me low FPS and very low 3Dmark2001 scores. Worst was 1087 and best was only 1845 , GPU core is running at 220Mhz , memory is running at 333mhz. what is wrong???? someone please help me~!!
Need some more info, but drivers are usually the cause of my numerous video innacuracies. I ended up settling for the leadtek winfast drivers included with the card, almost 50 3dmark scores higher (3829 205/210 mhz) than the Nvidia reference I had been using (only a 3dmark of 3775). I'm using a gefore2 MX, so there are slight differences, but your card should be smoking mine on 3d marks. Keep trying different driver combos and directx 7 and 8 with them.. Sometimes fresh install of windows can solve all of this rather painfully.
Also overclock the memory. Upping the gpu doesn't really give you much at all. The memory, on the otherhand, will yeild pretty good improvements when overclocked (380 is very reasonable). Is your card running at 4xagp? Drivers sound like a possible culpurate too.
Mojo (May 12, 2001 03:44 a.m.):
My card is constantly giving me low FPS and very low 3Dmark2001 scores. Worst was 1087 and best was only 1845 , GPU core is running at 220Mhz , memory is running at 333mhz. what is wrong???? someone please help me~!!
I just realized you said 3dmark2001. Don't worry unless you have a geforce 3 your gunna get a low score and bad fps. Use 2k, it is designed for your card. Not having tweaked out your card that score really isn't that off. What is the rest of your system? That will make a difference as well.
system is AMD 1.33ghz non O/Ced
512mbs PC2100 ram
40gb HDD seagate B3
should be enough info.
i'll try the 3dmark2k
where do i download it???
only seem to be able to find 3dmark2001
with your rig spec, if you break the score of 8000 on a 3Dmark 2000, your sys is in good shape. If not, then try decreasing the multiplier and increase the FSB on your T-bird. And yeah you've gotta bump that Video Memory speed like what the other guy said.
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