Hello guys, I have a problem with my Hercules 3D prophet II MX(32 MB Samsung SDRAM). I can not got pass 190 MHZ on the GPU and RAM (by using the hardware options)with out the system freezing. I have the lastest driver and bios update from Nvidia and Gillmulot. What the deedalee is going on? I even put a fan on the GPU heat sink to keep it cool.
Im running on T-900 @945 socket with (1)256, (1) 128,(1)64 PC133 RAM w/ X-gamer5.1and WIN ME OS.
Thank you very much
Im running on T-900 @945 socket with (1)256, (1) 128,(1)64 PC133 RAM w/ X-gamer5.1and WIN ME OS.
Thank you very much