Well here are the reuslts of my small adition to the Glaciator debate. Did an idle with the Gladiator and then full load with Sandra benchmarks looping. Results were
Idle = 22/39/27
Load = 22/43/27
Removed the Gladiator and installed the Glaciator WITHOUT the shim.
Idle = 22/45/28 (here is where I thought Oh Sh**, here we go again)
Load = 23/51/29
Remembering how the MBM figure can be +4c, maybe not that bad. I then removed the duct feeding air direct to hsf from 80mm fan in side. I thought maybe the way the Glac radiates this might be keeping air around the hsf.
Load = 23/52/29
I now know the duct is a help. Hey 1c is 1c

Now to take the Glac off and get to the lapping. I hate this part because in my CasEdge case with where the cpu socket is I have to either remove the m/b or the psu to get my fingers in to either hook or unhook the Glac's clip. After about 40 minutes working on it (it definately was NOT flat) reinstalled and here's the results.
Idle = 22/48/28
Load = 22/49/29
So the lapping gained another 2c and if it is -4c for MBM then it's running at 45c under full load of Sandra. I am starting to believe, maybe. Now for a real test. What killed it the other night was a movie conversion, so fired up TMPGEnc and started an .avi to .mpg conversion.
Load = 23/51/30 I believe this is REALLY 100% cpu useage. This same thing shut it down at 55c and still climbing before. I would say the removal of the shim helped but the lapping helped more. Now for another test. I was running bios voltage at 1.85 but MBM said it was 1.95 to 1.97 depending on the load. Changed the bios voltage to 1.80 and now MBM reports 1.91 Tried the same movie conversion and now results with the lowewr voltage are
Load = 23/49/31 and still stable and much quieter. The longer I have ran the higher the Northbridge temp has gotten. Maybe need to look into a Vantec for it. Temps as I type this LONG post (sorry) are 23/46/33
Conclusion I have come to is don't use shims, and always lap a heatsink, no matter how much it costs. And if the 4 degree difference is really true (which I cannot dispute) The Glac does a great job, now. Was it worth the $45 to replace the Gladiator? How can you put a dollar figure on noise difference. But the wife does like the noise level of the Glac much better and that has to count for something