Try geting the newest mobo drivers. Then try geting the newest graphics card drivers from Then get the newest directx 8 from THEN its time ti tweak ;D
First we tweak your bios... When your booting hit whatever key activates your setup or bios... and when your in there its important that you dont change things that you dont know what they do...
Look around for a setting called AGP apeture... and I would set it to 64. You should also try 128, but 64 generally works best with 64mb cards.
The setting "Assign IRQ to VGA" should be enabled as well...
These setings should be turned off... Video Bios Cacheable, Video Bios Shadow, VGA Palette Snoop, PCI Palette Snoop, and c8xxxx to cbxxxx shadow should all be off.
Ok so your done with your bios now its time to change some windows settings...
Right click on your desktop and hit properties. Click setings and then Advanced. Now look for a GeForce 2 GTS tab and then hit additional properties.
Open GL...
Click the openGL setings tab. Under performance and compatability options you want all the boxes checked except disable support for cpu enhanced instruction sets.
Then there is the option to enable FSAA... If you notice "jaggies" or staircase figures in your gamng then you want to enable this. If not then leave it disabled and it will raise your fps.
Go back to where the opengl tab was, and select Direct 3d
You want to enable fog table emulation and adjust z-buffer depth to render depth if unequal. The rest should be unchecked.
then there is Minmap detail... If you want more speed then choose best performance if you want best image quality then choose best image quality. Beter image quality will lower your fps a bit.
Now hit the more direct3d button.
PCI Texture memory size should be 2.
Now you should see an anti-aliasing tab. And its the same case as opengl... higher you set it the lower your fps... It helps reduce jaggies or staircase figures in your gaming.
I like enabling FSAA but this will also lower your performance so its up to you...
Now you are going to want to get a file called coolbits, which i dont have a link for right now but ima get it...