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Has anybody painted a CM Stacker?

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Nov 20, 2006
I'm looking at buying a CM Stacker, the STC-T01-UBK one. I've seen a few posts where it has been painted solid black, perhaps like a semi-gloss.

I was wondering if anybody who owns a stacker, or has painted one can give me a clue as to what type of prep it might need? Breaking it down to its individual parts is a given, but does the inside and outside need any special prep? I'm doing as much research and prep as I can now, so when the my gear starts coming, I'll have a clue how to get started.


P.S. If you have painted your stacker, any pics and type/gloss of paint used would be a big plus!
I painted mine.
Link is in my SIG "Blacker Stacker"
The devil is in the details, the smoother your primer the smoother your finish will be.
Wash every thing with a little soap and water that will be painted after sanding and steelwool prep is done.
Don't try to paint on a moist day, you will end up with a craptastic finish.
Paint where you have good ventilation but no wind.
As far as taking the Stacker apart, they come with great manuals that cover almost all of the case.
Some folks like to take their case completely apart which means drilling out pop-rivets and replacing them after all is said and done,
I didn't do that and mine turned out great to me.

EDIT: Take your time!
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Hi Rig Rider,

I had hoped you would grace my thread with a reply. I love the way you painted you case, that is exactly how I'd like the case to look.

What type of paint did you use if I could ask? Also was it semi-gloss? or High gloss?

Also about the sanding. Did you have to sand down the orginal finish first, then apply a primer? Or just put the primer on then sand the primer? As I mentioned, I've not yet got the case in hand so I don't know excactly what type of finish is on the stacker out of the box.

I'm sorry to sound like a novice, but the fact is that I am :) Any additional details like this would be very helpful.
Let me say this first :welcome: to the forum.
The paint I used was Ace Epoxy Enamel /Gloss, and for the plastic trim on the top I used Krylon Fusion /Gloss. Some folks on this forum have had problems with Fusion cracking and flaking after they painted plastic parts, I did not. Oils from fingerprints can cause this, as well as grease from foods or other things that we handle around the house. I think that it comes down to the prep work. If you don't prep the metal and plastic to the best of your ability the finish will look like poo. Take your time and do read all the instructions on the paint cans.

I didn't take my frame completely apart, but I did break the case down to as many parts as I could without drilling any rivets out. For the surface prep I used #0000 steel wool to scuff the factory finish so the primer would have something to adhere to. Then I washed all the parts I scuffed with warm soapy water and rinsed. Drying I think is important as well because most tap water will leave mineral deposits if left to dry on the metal and to prevent surface rust.

As for the primer, a light coat will bring the best results in my opinion because you can smooth a thin coat with steel wool or fine sandpaper quickly. Wet sanding is an option as well, I personally have not done this so I can't say for sure. Don't forget, the smoother your primer coat, the better your finish.

Many other folks here have more knowledge about painting than myself, so if I was in your shoes I would make the search function your best friend.

If you have any more questions you can pm me as well.
Best of luck on your project. :beer:

EDIT: I found a link to a guide that might help. http://case-mods.linear1.org/case-mod-101-how-to-paint-your-computer-case-part-1
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