Bah, I decided one day while switching out memory slots, that I would see how well the HSF on my herc GTS 64meg was glued on. I sat there and gently pulled in a rocking motion. You know, pull left side then the right side then the left side and so on. My HSF poped right off after about 4 seconds of doing this. Fingernail polish remover was what I used to take the thermal tape look-alike off the GPU and the HSF. I then applied some AS2 on the GPU and reattached the HSF. Make sure to take off those plastic pins first before trying this. If you decide to try this like me, make sure to pull at it gently. You will notice it move slowly and then progress until it comes right off. Hell, I even lapped that damn HSF and I can now go from 205/375 to 226/393. I was thinking of putting on a blorb but been hesitant since I am looking at upgrading to G3. I get no less then 8000 on my 3DMark2000 scores now after doing this. I should go get some AS epoxy and do the RAM sinks, but I'm lazy. Give it a try though, it may just pop off like mine.