Here is my long and boring story... I hope this might explain things better...
I have a Socket 7 system with a P1 At 166 Mhz with 73 mb of EDO RAM... not much but it's fun to learn on. Anyways, the way I set it up was to have a 3Gig HD as C: and my 6Gig parted as D: and F: as slave to the 3Gig. then on the second IDE cable I have a 1.7 gig for swap and other misc files as E: drive and master to my CD-ROM as G: I have two floppies A: and B: (scheme was that A: would hold the startup disk and B: would hold Ghost. I'm too lazy to take out floppy disk and put another one in... LOL!!!)
phew..(wipes brow)
Anyways.. the way I designed it was to have the C: drive do partition to partition clones with Ghost as my software. This was intended to be my form of virus protection.. too much clutter for a small system.. the slave would be disconnected during normal runs and if something happened to my system (virus, system fudge, won't defrag properly... etc.) i could simply clone back from a previous save (formatting the infected disk first before even connecting my slave in). I know this isn't exactly virus proof, but at the time, I thought it would help. While I was tweaking one day and deleting files and cleaning up, I noticed that the disk maintenance wasn't defreging properly and so decided to clone back from a previous "save". Then I started getting messages about my MSI.vxd file or something like that when running system file checker. i don't know when exactly I started getting the VXD errors, but my system would not run properly and would reset itself with protection error messages. I did another reclone but had the same problem again.. is the VXD stored in the MBR? or boot sector?? I tried formatting the C: drive... but got error messages when trying to do a partition to partion transfer from D: to C: I tried running D: as single but couldn't boot. and I was already having problems with my boot sequence and had to restart a couple times before the startup disk would actually load properly. I even tried CMOS resets... to no avail... I then decided to format my D: and transfer the file from F: (most stable and virgin copy) then try to do a SYS with my startup disk after it was done and hopefully it will start up. While doing the clone, it was slow, since it was a partition to partition clone on the same disk... Suddenly I the thing crashed and got this Message about my CPU. not exactly sure what though.. can't remember... anyways... then I had more boot problems... and even to the point when the keyboard would not work or the sreen displayed garbles of characters while trying to run the startup disk. I decided to give my poor comp a rest and try the next day..
NExt day...
I tried popping in my pentium MMX CPU at 200 mhz ( other was 166). this time it worked.. I formatted the C: and D: and cloned from F: to C: after that it stil crapped out with VXD errors and so on... and resets!! errr.. Please note that even with the "new" CPU, I was still having problems with my boots (startup disks, bootable Flop disks....) but not as much as with the other CPU.
I have decided to give everything a rest and unplug my PSU and turn it on and let the jumper sit on my CMOS reset until I acquire more knowledge and wisdom from you guys...
i know that when I do a partition to partition copy that I do not bring over the Boot sector along with it... could this be the cuplrit?? would I be better off doing Disk to disk clones with Image Boot enabled??? just curious...
Well, anyways, this is my long and boring story, I know you guys must be thinking, "What a loser. He doesn't know what he is doing." No, I don't. I am learning... I am learning as I go along, which is why I am practicing on a crappy system... Anyways... I hope you guys can help me out...
Also, just to let you guys know that the system had 98LITE on it (demo version).
Thanks for even reading this....