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Apr 16, 2001
I have one from a caravan (hence the name) and my fans just won't blow through it. If I put my hand on the back side of it, I can't tell a difference at all. I've tried mounting them both ways (sucking/blowing) and I just can't get it to go. Thinking about going with a copper coil radiator (inside a PVC pipe with my 90mm). Just don't know.
One of them is a 92mm high output sunon I got from 2cooltek. Before putting the whole thing together, I soacked it in CLR and flushed it really well. Sprayed through it with a garden hose for 10 minutes to get rid of the junk. Maybe I need a high output 120mm or something. Still thinking about copper coil radiatior, though. I calculated the surface area of like 50 ft of it (4.9 SQ ft.)