I only know about the Kt7 and A7V, so i'm just guessing at what your settings should be based on those two - but i think it should be a pretty good guess. Spread spectrum modulated should be enabled (i think it reduces emi or something). CPU/Host PCI clk sounds like the fsb, so you could set this to user define (might be called something different) and try a fsb overclock. This ought to work regardless of the bridge settings on the chip, so it's fairly safe, and you should be able to get to about 105-110 fsb. I'm not certain what the auto detect DIMM/PCI clk means, so you could try both settings and see what happens (if anything). Disabled may allow you to set the dimm frequency relative to the PCI frequency - try it. Try reading the motherboard manual, if you have one. I don't know how good it is compared to the Asus and abit ones, but it might have a section somewhere explaining what all the bios settings mean and do if you're lucky.
If you've just connected all the L1 bridges to unlock the multiplier, you'll need to set the multiplier to tell the motherboard what to use - check for a bios setting mentioning cpu clock or mutliplier, it should have values like 8x, 9x, 10x etc. If there isn't a bios setting you might have to use dipswitches or jumpers on the mobo - again, check the manual. It can really help.