I've never ran a "debloater" before, but several big names online "recommend to all our subscribers" that they do it to make windows faster and leaner. So I did it, NOW NOTHING WORKS RIGHT!!!! And everywhere I turn for help is posts of people asking the question before me and being given responses like "YOU'RE A STUPID LOSER FOR DOING THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! YOU DESERVE TO SUFFER FOR DOING THIS!!!!" Can anyone here help me undo the damage that debloater did to my system? It wasn't some obscure website that I got it from, I got it from github so I assumed it was safe. It deleted all of my desktop icons. I found the copies it left behind and unhid them, but so much more is wrong or unfunctional. I can't save screen snips anymore, all of my file type associations are broken and the system won't let me re-attach them. I can roll back to a restore point if I have to, but is there a better way? I already tried the "undo" option, it doesn't work. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!