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Help Finding Temp Probe for water

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May 24, 2001
NY where the cows out number the people
Somewhere I remember seeing a pre built temperature probe that you can use to measure water temps. It had a 3/8 brass barb on each end and the wires coming off of it plugged into your SMBus header on your mother board. Can anyone help me find them.

I've looked @

cases ECT.com

lol you get the idea...I've looked in so many sites now i could have looked right at it and not even have known it. Can someone help me locate one of these please ?
*Smacks self in head. I found it. Thanks Very much.

I looked all over the place for this thing. You did me a huge favor. Thank you.

direct link for those who are also looking for new toys :D


I still remember seeing a drifferent kind though. One that didn't have a lcd temp read out. It pluged directly into the SMBus header. Reason i'm wanting one like that is so that I can use MBM to monitor the temps of my water after passing over the Peltier. What I can do then is set a lower limit on the tempriture of the water and have MBM sound an alarm if temps start to fall off...My reasoning is that if my pump fails...there won't be water being pumped past the pelt to be heated up...thus the water after the peltier wouldn't be as hot as it normaly would be if the pelt was still heating it....sound the alarm...have MBM shut down my pc because of a pump failure. Sounds like a good idea in theory..anyone think it would work ?
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